Perdagangan Kartu Online Pertempuran Roh
Trade Cards Online Stride - Stride Step - Pilih satu atau lebih kartu dengan jumlah nilai mereka menjadi 3 atau lebih besar dari tangan Anda, dan buanglah mereka Stride kartu ini di VC (Anda) dari bawah ke bawah. ACT (VC) 1turn: Blast Counter (2) Pilih kartu bernama Envious of Light, Darkness Leader dari zona G Anda dan nyalakan menghadap ke atas Jika jumlah kartu dalam jiwa Anda tujuh atau lebih, unit ini mendapatkan Power5000. Kemudian, jika jumlah kartu dalam jiwa Anda adalah lima belas atau lebih, unit ini mendapat AUTO (VC): Saat unit ini menyerang, lawan Anda tidak dapat memanggil unit dari zona G ke (GC), dan semua unit Anda di barisan depan Dapatkan CONT (VCRC): Unit ini mendapat Power1000 untuk masing-masing dua kartu di dalam jiwa, sampai akhir pertempuran pertamanya. Pemimpin kegelapan akan membawa kegelapan ke puncaknya. End if line Tujuan dari situs ini Ini adalah tempat untuk menemukan semua kartu koleksi yang Anda butuhkan. Di sini Anda bisa menukarkannya dengan aman dan mudah. Jika Anda mencari kartu yang hilang untuk menyelesaikan koleksi Anda, atau untuk dek yang sempurna itu, Kartu Dagang Online adalah tempat yang tepat. Dalam Kartu Perdagangan Online kami mengkhususkan diri pada permainan kartu tertagih, atau CCGs (permainan kartu trading a. k.a., atau TCG), dan kami menyediakan database kartu yang paling lengkap yang tersedia di Internet. Di sini kita akan mencari orang yang memiliki kartu yang Anda cari, dan siap untuk menukarkannya dengan apa yang Anda miliki, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda lagi dengannya. Anda biasanya harus sering mengunjungi forum yang berbeda untuk mencari pesan yang terkait dengan perdagangan yang ingin Anda buat. Anda hanya mendaftar, memasukkan kartu yang Anda miliki dan yang Anda inginkan, dan sistem kami akan memberi tahu Anda secara otomatis kapan pun pengguna lain menawarkan untuk menukar kartu tertagih atau kartu perdagangan yang Anda cari. Dan dengan sistem Perdagangan Lacak yang baru, Anda memiliki alat yang berguna untuk mendaftar dan melacak perdagangan Anda, dan untuk mengetahui siapa yang telah berhasil diperdagangkan berkali-kali dan oleh karena itu lebih dapat dipercaya. Yang Anda butuhkan ada di sini, bersama dengan komunitas pemain kartu dan kolektor yang hebat. Silakan jelajahi situs ini dan semua fitur yang banyak Daftarkan diri Anda dan mencobanya GRATIS Dan nyaman Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan beberapa saran tentang kartu tertagih perdagangan dengan menggunakan Kartu Dagang Online, klik di sini Dan jangan lupa menyebarkan berita dan memberi tahu semua teman dan kolega Anda tentang Kartu Perdagangan Online, sehingga semua kartu untuk diperdagangkan terdaftar di sini dan tersedia untuk kesenangan trading Anda. Dan jika Anda ingin membeli atau menjual kartu, silakan kunjungi cardmarket. euKoop bordspellen, gezelschapsspellen, kaartspellen en permainan kartu perdagangan Battlegames voor een compleet assortiment , Bordspellen, gezelschapsspellen, kaartspellen enz. Eenvoudig en goedkoop bestellen online. Bordspellen, gezelschapsspellen, kaartspellen, permainan kartu perdagangan en meer BattleGames adalah deacute goedkoopste webshop bertemu een groot aantal bord-gezelschaps-kaart-spellen, mati u online kunt bestellen en vanaf euro50 bovendien gratis kunt laten verzenden di Belgieuml. Kami zorgen ervoor bahwa u vampir spellen beragam di huis heeft, zodat u snel bertemu familie en vrienden kunt spelen. Bordspellen Gezelschapsspellen Kaartspellen Sihir the Gathering Blader pintu de verschillende bordspellen en kies bijvoorbeeld voor Kolonisten van Catan. Zoekt u aan de andere kant juist naar kaartspellen. Kebun binatang Munchkin of the Magic the Gathering De verschillende spellen zorgen ervoor dat er meer dan voldoende keuze bestaat en u een spel kunt selecteren bahwa u graag layu gaan spelen. Verder vindt u Bij Battlegames onder andere een uitgebreid assortiment aan bordspellen. Kaartspellen, rollenspellen. Verzamelspellen Kartu perdagangan Permainan miniatur Pemandangan en accessoires en nog veel meer waarmee kami ervoor zorgen bahwa Anda alles online aan kunt kopen en u daar de de niet meer voor uit hoeft. DISTELL SPIRITS, RTDS, BUAH COCKTAILS Di Distell, kami membuat merek secara harfiah dari bawah ke atas. Setiap merek dimulai sebagai benih mungil - atau benih gagasan - dan kemudian dibuat dan dipelihara sampai kesempurnaan akhir melalui perawatan dan dedikasi selama bertahun-tahun. Kami memanen bahan baku dari bumi, memadukannya dengan gairah kita sendiri, dan membentuknya menjadi merek yang telah menjadi ikon persahabatan, relaksasi dan perayaan. Kami mengubah ide menjadi aset. Amarula Cream berasal dari tahun 1989 saat pertama kali muncul di pasar Afrika Selatan. Sejak saat itu telah berkembang menjadi pemimpin dunia dan saat ini rasanya yang luar biasa dinikmati di lebih dari 160 negara di semua benua. Klik di sini untuk katalog produk Amarula Cream Bisquit vs Classique diuraikan dengan anggur yang sebagian besar berasal dari daerah Fins Bois di Cognac, yang mengungkapkan kemahiran cognac yang hidup. Klik di sini untuk katalog produk Bisquit Cognac Aktivitas Terbaru Amarula meluncurkan kampanye global untuk menyelamatkan gajah Afrika Dengan kurang dari 400.000 gajah Afrika pergi dan satu kehilangan setiap 15 menit setiap hari untuk perburuan gading, para ahli menunjukkan bahwa spesies agung ini akan punah pada tahun 2030 Untuk melindungi warisan Africas dan selanjutnya memperkuat komitmen mereka terhadap konservasi, Amarula telah bergabung dengan organisasi konservasi WildlifeDirect yang berbasis di Kenya, bekerja sama dengan CEO mereka Dr Paula Kahumbu. Emas ganda untuk wiski pertama SA The Three Ships Select, diluncurkan pada tahun 1977 sebagai produk whiskey South Africas pertama, telah dianugerahi medali emas ganda pada 2016 China Wine and Spirits Awards. Andy Watts, penyuling master Whiskey Three Ships mengatakan bahwa wiski yang luar biasa dengan harga yang kompetitif membuat pengakuan seperti itu. Jika seseorang menganggap bahwa pada tahun 1977 ketika kami pertama kali membuat wiski ini, industri wiski Afrika Selatan tidak ada. Selama bertahun-tahun kami telah berinvestasi dalam teknologi modern, menciptakan kebijakan barel khusus dan menyempurnakan gaya pembuatan wiski kami yang unik. Tiga merek kapal juga diperluas untuk memasukkan tiga wiski berbeda, masing-masing dengan ungkapan gaya mereka sendiri dan pemenang penghargaan internasional. Tiga Kapal meluncurkan busana malaysia berusia tiga tahun dengan kapal selam Tiga Kapal Whisky, dengan bangga dipuji oleh Afrika Selatan dan internasional, telah meluncurkan edisi terbatas 10 Tahun Single Malt, yang membawa sebuah pernyataan vintage tahun 2005. FCB Cape Town memenangkan puncak perunggu untuk kampanye Savanna NewDifferent FCB Cape Town telah memenangkan Apex Perunggu untuk Orang Baru di luar. Masih berbeda dalam kampanye yang dikembangkannya untuk Savanna meluncurkan kemasan merek distell cider baru dan merevitalisasi komunikasinya dengan konsumen. Berita Terkait AB InBev untuk memotong pekerjaan manajer di SA 23012017 - 12:57 AB InBev menekankan manajemen penargetan pesangon secara sukarela tidak akan mengganggu komitmen pada pekerjaan pasca merger Dikeluarkan dari kontrol yang mencekik namun minoritas tampak gelisah 19012017 - 11:55 Dilihat oleh Pergerakan harga saham selama empat minggu terakhir, pemegang saham minoritas di Distell masih belum menemukan berita tak terduga bahwa General Investment Corporation (PIC) akan mengakuisisi 26,4 perusahaan yang dipegang oleh Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev). AB InBev untuk menjual saham di Distell ke dana Afrika Selatan PIC 19122016 - 09:30 Anheuser-Busch InBev NV setuju untuk menjual saham SABMiller Plcs di pembuat minuman Afrika Selatan Distell Group Ltd. ke administrator pensiun terbesar di Afrika, membersihkan rintangan peraturan lainnya di bidang pembuatan bir. Industri terbesar yang pernah ada. PIC untuk membeli saham AB InBevs di Distell 15122016 - 10:10 Investment Corporation, yang menginvestasikan dana pensiun pegawai negeri, akan membeli bir buatan global Anheuser-Busch InBevs di Distell. Tradisi meratapi tagihan minuman keras proposal 30112016 - 10:45 Cape Town - Dengan satu minggu sebelum fase komentar publik mengenai tagihan minuman keras nasional ditutup, Forum Pengembangan Khayelitsha (KDF) keluar untuk mendukung pedagang minuman keras dari kota, dengan mengatakan bahwa pemerintah seharusnya tidak Mendikte bagaimana mereka melakukan bisnis Menanam pedagang minuman keras menimbang minuman keras undang-undang 16112016 - 10:11 Cape Town - Sekitar 50 pedagang minuman keras dari Khayelitsha, Langa, Nyanga, Gugulethu dan Strand berkumpul di Khayelitsha untuk mendiskusikan undang-undang minuman keras yang mungkin banyak melihat jumlah korban, kedai minuman dan pedagang konsumsi sekali pun kehilangan Bisnis mereka atau lisensi minuman keras mereka. Bagaimana RUU Liquor akan mempengaruhi pub Durban, bar 12102016 - 09:37 Durban - Jika RUU Liquor harus dilalui dalam bentuknya saat ini, drawcard pariwisata Durban Maxs Lifestyle mungkin harus menutup dan memberhentikan 150 karyawan, sementara akan menjadi Sebuah pukulan palu untuk pariwisata di Umlazi. Impor wiski Afrika Selatan turun 9 pada paruh pertama 2016 21092016 - 10:59 SELATAN wiski Scotch Afrika Selatan menurun 9 pada paruh pertama 2016 menjadi 18,7 juta botol namun SA memindahkan satu tempat lebih tinggi untuk menjadi pasar ekspor terbesar ketujuh untuk Produknya, menurut the Scotch Whisky Association. Distell bertujuan untuk sariawan cider China 01092016 - 09:23 LIQUOR konglomerat Distell percaya bahwa pasar di China memiliki potensi yang sangat besar, dan dapat tumbuh seukuran dengan pasar Afrika Selatan dalam waktu 10 tahun. Penggemar anggur, terutama yang memiliki preferensi untuk memproduksi anggur buatan tangan skala kecil, mudah melupakan sebagian besar abad ke-20 industri anggur Cape tidak akan bertahan tanpa kuli Cape. industri. Lain pergi di anggur 22082016 - 10:29 AKAN seseorang tolong kenakan KWV Holdings dari kesengsaraan kami Sejak 2004, ketika pembatasan kepemilikan saham dicabut, KWV telah menjadi sumber berita buruk tentang media yang menyedihkan tentang kinerja operasi yang buruk, terancam Aset warisan dan pertempuran tegang untuk kontrol. Jika telah menjual sebanyak anggur dan minuman keras karena telah menghasilkan cerita selama tahun-tahun itu, KWV tidak akan tetap menjadi pusat tawaran pengambilalihan dan kami di industri media akan dapat terus menulis tentang perusahaan besar yang menghasilkan keuntungan. . Wine loli ditetapkan untuk memukul pasar SA 19082016 - 15:40 Cape Town - Capetonians akan memiliki satu cara lagi untuk mendinginkan saat musim panas tahun ini. Perdagangan Bulan Ini: Distell vs Capevin 15082016 - 15:02 Alasan berlanjutnya keberadaan perusahaan holding kunci rendah Capevin agak keruh, tapi setidaknya proposisi nilainya mudah untuk di ilustrasinya. INVESTASI LIKUID: Produsen Shiraz telah menarik kaus kaki mereka 27072016 - 14:45 BEBERAPA tahun yang lalu, dibutuhkan keberanian untuk merenungkan barisan shiraz Afrika Selatan. Variasinya sebagian besar disalahpahami, ditanam oleh petani yang percaya, bahkan saat dunia mengalami kelebihan pasokan yang besar, itu adalah hal besar berikutnya, dan diperkaya oleh pembuat anggur yang ilhamnya adalah gaya Australia tenggara yang terlalu matang. Minoritas bisa menggagalkan kesepakatan KWV R1.15bn 11072016 - 16:55 Mungkin ada twist yang tak terduga dalam kesepakatan R1.15bn yang mengusulkan penjualan aset minuman keras KWV Holdings yang beroperasi ke Vasari Global, sebuah perusahaan internasional yang sesuai dengan barang-barang konsumen Vivian Imerman. Pemburu cider lokal siap untuk membawa Heat dengan kampanye baru yang menyegarkan 01072016 - 10:47 Orang-orang Afrika Selatan akan melihat peluncuran kampanye baru yang menyegarkan dari Hunters hari ini (Jumat, 1 Juli), yang memindahkan merek tersebut dari padang pasir ke Panas lingkungan perkotaan dan mengenalkan wajah baru untuk sari apel. Penyusunan merger bir Distell bebas untuk membawa mereka ke pasar lokal 01072016 - 08:58 SEBAGAI 74bn Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) merger dengan SABMiller bergerak mendekati penyelesaian, para analis mencari Distell yang akan segera bebas dari kepemilikan saham SAB ke Menjadi pemain yang lebih agresif di industri minuman. Pound terjun mengambil R125bn mendera dari nilai pengambilalihan SABMiller 30062016 - 16:07 London - Investor AS yang memiliki SABMiller JSE: Saham SAB memiliki alasan lebih banyak daripada kebanyakan untuk menyesali keputusan Britains untuk meninggalkan Uni Eropa. Kecenderungan yang dihasilkan dalam mata uang Inggris telah memotong nilai dolar dari penawaran pengambilalihan Anheuser-Busch (AB) InBevs untuk SABMiller sebesar 8.5bn (R125.5bn). Kesepakatan Bir: AB InBev mengatasi rintangan di SA 27062016 - 08:43 Johannesburg - Anheuser-Busch InBev membersihkan rintangan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan pengambilalihan pabrik SABMiller di Afrika Selatan karena Serikat Pekerja Pangan dan Sekutu mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan mengambil bagian lebih jauh lagi. Dalam proses persetujuan regulasi Bagaimana sebuah start up Boston mengubah penjualan alkohol untuk era digital 24062016 - 09:21 Diluncurkan pada tahun 2013, Drizly memfasilitasi penjualan dan pengiriman minuman beralkohol secara online. Toko Rantai Usia baru-baru ini mengunjungi kantor pusat bermarkas di Boston dan berbicara dengan Nick Rellas, pendiri dan CEO, tentang model bisnis Drizlys dan evolusi e-commerce. Heineken mencari bir di ruang kulkas dan trik kotor 23062016 - 08:28 saingan utama Heineken pada hari Rabu menabrak SABMiller dan Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) dengan kondisi yang diinginkan agar Pengadilan Persaingan memaksakan penggabungan 108bn. Vasari memiliki ambisi besar untuk KWV 20062016 - 12:04 Pemegang saham pengendali baru dari kelompok minuman keras KWV Holdings akan melakukan pekerjaannya untuk membentengi keuntungan di sektor brendi. Persatuan dan bir terkunci di barisan BEE 08062016 - 11:41 Perselisihan masih berkecamuk antara Serikat Pekerja Pangan dan Sekutu (Fawu) dan partai penggabungan dalam proses menciptakan bir terbesar di dunia dalam kesepakatan 108bn. Moodys menempatkan obligasi SABMiller pada review untuk downgrade 08062016 - 11:35 Moodys, lembaga pemeringkat kredit, memperingatkan pada Selasa malam bahwa mereka mungkin menurunkan obligasi SABMILLER. Catatan jangka panjang yang tidak aman dari bir, yang diberi peringkat A3, ditempatkan untuk meninjau penurunan peringkat dari arah yang tidak pasti. Peritel online terkemuka Afrika Selatan menambahkan minuman keras ke rak paling atas 17052016 - 09:03 takealot, pengecer online terkemuka di Afrika Selatan, menambahkan kategori Minuman Keras baru ke rangkaian produknya yang terus berkembang minggu ini. Departemen minuman keras yang baru diluncurkan dengan beragam semangat, MCC, sampanye dan anggur bersoda, menawarkan kepada pelanggan cara yang paling mudah untuk berbelanja minuman favorit mereka. Distell merakit tim impian untuk pusat keunggulan baru 04052016 - 21:51 3 Mei 2016 - Daripada beristirahat pada kemenangannya, Distell, penyuling tahun yang luar biasa sepanjang tahun yang mengambil gelar di Kompetisi Roh Anggur Internasional (IWSC) di London, Bermaksud untuk memajukan reputasi yang sudah tangguh untuk kualitas. Berapa banyak minuman keras yang terlalu banyak. 18042016 - 14:18 Dokter dan ahli kesehatan di seluruh dunia akan memperingatkan Anda tentang bahaya minum berlebihan, namun sebuah penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada yang bisa menyepakati apa yang mengandung terlalu banyak. Bergerak untuk menghidupkan kembali industri brendi SAW 14032016 - 09:16 Pembuat brandy bekerja untuk menghidupkan kembali minat terhadap produk mereka di tengah menurunnya konsumsi lokal. Kliring DTI turun pada boozing ilegal 24022016 - 11:30 Johannesburg - Sebuah gerai minuman keras ditutup sementara Departemen Perdagangan dan Industri (DTI) dan Dinas Kepolisian Afrika Selatan (SAPS) di Limpopo mengeluarkan denda sampai nilai R16 500 ke non Pemegang lisensi minuman keras selama operasi inspeksi bersama selama akhir pekan. Distell berencana untuk mengekang ekspansi Angola 19022016 - 11:10 Merek minuman keras konglomerat Distell melaporkan pertumbuhan yang kuat di pasar Afrika Selatan, namun mabuk ekonomi dari harga minyak yang lebih rendah telah secara drastis mengurangi rencana ekspansi di Angola. Distell: omset unit Zimbabwe turun - Zimbabwe 15022016 - 09:48 Harare - Membuang unit di Zimbabwe mengumumkan dividen interim 0,15 sen AS (2,36 sen SA) kemarin, meskipun terjadi penurunan 8 persen dalam omset yang sebagian diimbangi kenaikan 2 persen. Dalam volume anggur dan sari buah anggur saat orang Zimbabwe beralih ke alternatif yang lebih murah. Treasury mengusulkan kewajiban cukai yang lebih rendah untuk brendi 18122015 - 12:19 Treasury SA mengusulkan 10 potong bea cukai pada brandy pada hari Kamis, dengan mengatakan bahwa semangat alkohol pada kerugian merugikan pesaing karena peraturan yang ketat tentang bagaimana seharusnya diproduksi. Distell dinobatkan sebagai penyuling terbaik di kompetisi dunia 30112015 - 12:34 Distell telah dinobatkan sebagai penyuling terbaik tahun ini untuk 2015 di Kompetisi Anggur dan Roh Internasional di London. Kematian kedai kehilangan lisensi 02112015 - 10:40 Cape Town - Sudah waktunya bagi polisi dan otoritas lisensi minuman keras untuk semakin keras dengan pedagang minuman keras yang tidak mematuhi undang-undang tersebut, Peluang Ekonomi Cape Barat MEC Alan Winde mengatakan kemarin. Remgro eyes SABMiller cleanout 21102015 - 09:15 Remgro dapat membeli saham SABMillers 27 di grup minuman keras Distell jika ikut bermain mengikuti pembelian Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB Inbev) dari pembuatnya. Kenyamanan dingin untuk Shoprite di pengadilan atas yang memutuskan tentang lisensi anggur 01072015 - 10:42 Dengan mayoritas yang sempit, Mahkamah Konstitusi memutuskan pada hari Selasa bahwa lisensi untuk menjual anggur di samping bahan makanan lainnya adalah properti menurut konstitusi. Distinct, Nampak menopang unit Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe 17022015 - 13:19 Nampak dan Distell sedang menopang unit mereka di Zimbabwe, didukung oleh meningkatnya permintaan dari pasar lokal yang telah terpukul oleh penurunan produktivitas dan kendala operasional. Prudent SAB mengincar bisnis roh 18112014 - 09:49 Meskipun sinergi antara bisnis bir dan roh seringkali sulit ditemukan, SABMiller dapat mengembangkan portofolio energinya di Afrika dengan pendekatan terukur, kata CEO Alan Clark minggu lalu. Cape Town Perubahan mungkin terjadi dalam struktur kontrol raksasa minuman keras Distell setelah saham di perusahaan induknya, Capevin, menyentuh rekor tertinggi pada hari Selasa. Ekspektasi Remgro meningkat karena diskon harga saham menyempit 23092014 - 10:57 Remgro, raksasa investasi R118bn yang dimiliki oleh keluarga Rupert, menghadapi ekspektasi pasar yang besar, dengan hasil terakhir menunjukkan diskon harga saham atas investasi yang mendasarinya telah dipangkas menjadi Hanya sepotong. Perusahaan minuman keras terlihat utara saat pasar Afrika tumbuh - Zimbabwe 18092014 - 12:12 Harare - Pasar alkohol Afrika memberi isyarat untuk perusahaan minuman Afrika Selatan setelah sebuah laporan baru meramalkan pada hari Jumat bahwa pasar minuman keras dan pasar minuman keras Afrika Timur dapat tumbuh sebanyak 30 Persen dalam 10 tahun ke depan. Pertumbuhan distread melambat pada kesengsaraan konsumen 27082014 - 11:01 Johannesburg - Membingungkan pertumbuhan penjualan semester kedua yang dibukukan menjadi sekitar 2 persen menurut volume, dibandingkan dengan enam bulan pertama tahun fiskal, Richard Rushton, managing director anggur Afrikas Selatan terbesar dan Produsen roh, mengatakan melalui telepon. Aturan untuk brandy premium diperketat 13082014 - 14:36 Minuman brandy yang menganggap dirinya sebagai penikmat akan memiliki sesuatu untuk disenangkan, karena peraturan baru mungkin berarti peningkatan kualitas brendi premium. KRA untuk mendorong denda yang kaku dalam perang melawan produk palsu 20032014 - 13:16 Otoritas Pendapatan Kenya telah mendukung seruan oleh produsen untuk mengklasifikasikan pemalsuan barang sebagai kejahatan ekonomi melalui amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Anti-Korupsi dan Kejahatan Ekonomi tahun 2013. Distell membayar Kepada BEE pemegang saham 12032014 - 08:02 Stellenbosch - Distell telah membayar lebih dari R600m setelah pajak kepada sekitar 4.000 karyawan sebagai bagian dari rencana kepemilikan saham karyawan perusahaan (ESOP), kata perusahaan itu pada hari Senin. Inflasi naik dari 7,3 menjadi 7,6, surplus perdagangan naik menjadi K283 juta, Zambia 10032014 - 12:42 Tingkat inflasi tahunan konsumen Zambena telah meningkat sebesar 0,3 persen dari 7,3 persen pada Januari menjadi 7,6 persen yang tercatat di bulan Februari. Krim ingat setelah ketakutan E. Coli, Selandia Baru 15012014 - 07:59 Zineands Baru Fonterra mengatakan bahwa pihaknya menarik kembali produk yang didistribusikan di negara yang telah terkontaminasi bakteri E. Coli dalam ketakutan keamanan pangan kedua yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan dalam waktu kurang dari enam bulan. Distell mengetuk pasar cognac di China0102013 - 10:23 Johannesburg - Perusahaan minuman keras Afrika Selatan Distell Group Limited JSE: DST telah mengakuisisi 60 saham di perusahaan distribusi minuman keras dengan pertumbuhan cepat CJ Wines Spirits yang memperluas kehadirannya di Timur. Distell menentang pasar yang sulit untuk membukukan kenaikan pendapatan 12 22082013 - 11:16 Grup Distell berhasil meningkatkan pendapatan 11,9 menjadi R15,9 miliar pada kenaikan volume penjualan 7,2 untuk tahun sampai Juni 2013. Ini terlepas dari sangat sulit Kondisi perdagangan, ditandai oleh perlambatan global dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengontrak pendapatan sekali pakai dan mengurangi belanja konsumen di banyak wilayah di mana ia memasarkan jangkauan roh, anggur, ciders, dan RTD-nya. Pertumbuhan di SA dan Afrika melayang Distell di masa-masa sulit 27022013 - 08:08 Pertumbuhan lanjutan di sub-Sahara Afrika, termasuk Afrika Selatan, dan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari indeks yang lemah mengakibatkan Distell Group menaikkan pendapatan tahun-ke-tahun sebesar 9, 3 sampai R8,7 miliar untuk enam bulan sampai Desember 2012. Heineken meneguk Tiger setelah pengambilalihan beras 28092012 - 11:56 Singapura - Pemegang saham di perusahaan induk bir yang berbasis di Singapura yang membuat Tiger Beer menyetujui pengambilalihannya oleh Heineken pada hari Jumat, meningkat Jejak raksasa Belanda di pasar Asia yang sedang berkembang. Heineken Mengundurkan Diri untuk Membeli APB 19092012 - 07:44 Singapura - Seorang saingan Thailand pada hari Rabu berjanji untuk mengembalikan pengambilalihan raksasa Belanda Heinekens ke perusahaan pembuat bir utama Asia APB, yang meniadakan bentrokan potensial menjelang pertemuan konglomerat Singapura mengenai masalah ini. Afrika Sub-Sahara membantu mengangkat pendapatan Distell oleh 15 27082012 - 11:27 Penggali anggur dan arwah Distell mencapai hasil yang kuat di tahun ini sampai Juni, dengan pertumbuhan pendapatan sebesar 15 persen dari pasar ekspor dan Afrika Selatan. Ini mengangkat pendapatan menjadi R14,2 miliar, dibantu oleh nilai tukar yang menguntungkan. Periset menginginkan makanan yang lebih sehat dibuat lebih murah 05072012 - 09:16 Pemerintah perlu berbuat lebih banyak untuk melindungi orang-orang Afrika Selatan dari iming-iming makanan junk food dengan membuat makanan lebih sehat lebih murah dan lebih siap tersedia, kata periset dari University of Western Cape. Pengadilan petani SA di pasar Asia 26062012 - 07:58 Johannesburg - Petani jagung dan jeruk Afrika Selatan sedang mengarahkan perhatian mereka ke Asia karena mereka bergulat dengan meningkatnya persaingan di Afrika dan turunnya permintaan di Eropa. Distell melihat 5 kenaikan hasil anggur 12042012 - 09:34 Informasi rinci tentang pemasakan optimal membantu perusahaan merencanakan panen kebun anggur individu, pertumbuhan penjualan yang baik meningkatkan keuntungan Studi link BPA terhadap penyakit jantung 27022012 - 09:39 Bahan kimia yang ditemukan dalam beberapa kemasan makanan dapat meningkat. Risiko terkena penyakit jantung, menurut penelitian baru dari Inggris. Pengering botol bertenaga blower membantu memastikan integritas produk secara efektif 09022012 - 09:09 Haus Rabenhorst adalah produsen utama jus buah dan sayuran alami dengan kualitas terbaik di Jerman, dengan sejarah yang berlanjut selama 200 tahun. Rentang produk, yang terdiri dari jus kualitas terbaik yang tidak diencerkan, mencakup lebih dari 70 buah dan sayuran yang berbeda. KWV mempertimbangkan pelepasan nilai aset warisan 09022012 - 08:58 Dewan anggur dan kelompok semangat KWV akan mempertimbangkan untuk menerbitkan rincian valuasi aset warisan yang berharga dengan hasil sementara, yang akan dirilis akhir bulan ini. Dikeluarkan perkiraan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi 24012012 - 08:02 Kelompok minuman keras Distell (DST) pada hari Senin memberitahukan bahwa laba per saham dan headline earning per share untuk enam bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 kemungkinan antara 20 dan 25 lebih tinggi dari periode pelaporan yang sesuai Tahun sebelumnya Konsumen anggur SA meningkat 23012012 - 10:57 Stereotip tradisional tentang anggur di Afrika Selatan memudar sebagai generasi baru para pecinta anggur hitam dan produsen memasuki adegan anggur. Southern Comfort membawa karakter merek ke Facebook 20012012 - 13:53 Southern Comfort, merek permen Brown Forman, telah meluncurkan kampanye Facebook yang menampilkan legenda musik New Orleans yang fiktif, Baron Jazz. SABMiller meningkatkan volume bir 19012012 - 10:51 London - Pembuat bir global SABMiller JSE: SAB melaporkan kenaikan 3 volume bir dalam tiga bulan terakhir tahun 2011 untuk menyesuaikan prakiraan, yang dipimpin oleh pasar negara berkembang di Afrika dan Amerika Latin yang membantu mengimbangi penurunan Amerika Utara dan Eropa. SABMiller meluncurkan MGD di China 17012012 - 07:38 London - Pembuat rumah terbesar kedua di dunia SABMiller JSE: SAB meluncurkan merek global pertamanya, Miller Genuine Draft (MGD), di China pada hari Senin untuk mendorong pertumbuhannya di pasar bir terbesar di dunia. Harga SABMiller 7bn bond issue 12012012 - 09:48 Perusahaan pembuat susu SABMiller (SAB) SABMiller Holdings Inc. telah berhasil menerbitkan obligasi senilai US $ miliar. SABMiller mengejar unit Castel039s Africa 10012012 - 09:16 London - SABUN SABUN SABUN: SAB mengatakan akan tertarik untuk mengakuisisi operasi pembuatan bir di Afrika dari kelompok Castel Prancis jika tersedia, karena keduanya mengumumkan pada hari Senin bahwa mereka memperkuat hubungan mereka. di Afrika. Pembuat sampanye Prancis mengenalkan anggur berkilau Inggris 09012012 - 08:06 Kebun Anggur Grand Cru yang berbasis di Prancis telah merilis anggur fizz Inggris, Meonhill, terbuat dari buah anggur yang tumbuh dari batang bawah yang ditanam di Hampshire. Vodka Standar Rusia, Vodka Standar Rusia Vodka, merek vodka asal Rusia yang dimiliki oleh Roustam Tariko, telah membeli 70 saham di F. lli Gancia C, produsen anggur dan vermouth berkilau Italia untuk Memperluas perusahaan Italia. SABMiller melihat segmen bir premium Kenya dengan Miller Genuine Draft 08122011 - 09:00 SABMiller akan memperkenalkan bir ketiganya, Miller Genuine Draft, di Kenya pada tanggal 8 Desember, yang mengarah ke segmen premium pasar bir lokal yang saat ini dilayani oleh bir saingan Merek Heineken dan Tusker Malt. Heineken membeli 918 pub Inggris 05122011 - 08:15 Amsterdam - Pengantin Belanda Heineken NV mengatakan telah membeli Galaxy Pub Estate, pemilik 918 pub di Inggris, dari Royal Bank of Scotland PLC seharga 412 juta pound (646 juta) tunai. Shipyard Brewing meluncurkan Applehead ale 02122011 - 08:56 Perusahaan Shipyard Brewing yang berbasis di AS telah menambahkan Applehead bir musiman baru ke jalur Pumpkinhead-nya. Kelompok Spar gerai Tops meningkatkan pertumbuhan meskipun arena persaingan 30112011 - 10:28 Grup Spar muncul dari lingkungan konsumen yang penuh tantangan dengan pertumbuhan 10,8 turnover dan 3,9 kenaikan pendapatan seperti yang dilaporkan awal bulan ini dalam kinerja yang sebagian didorong oleh ketahanan outlet minuman kerasnya. , Tops. Heineken membuka kantor pusat regional di Kenya 30112011 - 10:01 Pembuat bir Belanda Heineken telah membuka kantor pusat regional di Nairobi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan mereknya di pasar bir Afrika Timur. Kantor tersebut akan dipimpin oleh general manager senjata Afrika Timur, Koen Morshuis. Australia menyetujui pengambilalihan Foster09112011 - 07:50 Sydney - Australia pada hari Jumat menyetujui pembuat bir buatan pabrik SABAT AU9.9bn untuk mengambil alih Fosters, namun dengan kondisi ketat yang akan melihat operasi utama tetap ada di negara ini. Champagne Deutz untuk menerapkan strategi representasi merek baru di AS 25112011 - 08:58 Produser sampanye Prancis Champagne Deutz akan menerapkan strategi Perwakilan Regional baru mulai tahun 2012, yang memungkinkan distributor importir di luar jaringan Champagne Louis Roederer untuk mewakili merek tersebut di AS. Spar profit tahun penuh tidak lagi konsensus 22112011 - 07:57 Johannesburg - Pedagang eceran Spar Group JSE: SPP merindukan perkiraan kenaikan 3,3 kenaikan laba setahun penuh karena persaingan ketat, harga jual yang lemah dan permintaan konsumen yang rapuh membebani marginnya. Konsol R1,9 miliar tanaman hijau terbuka 18112011 - 08:39 Konsol Kaca telah secara resmi membuka pabrik R1.1bn baru yang efisien lingkungannya di Nigel dekat Johannesburg, yang terutama memproduksi botol untuk minuman beralkohol. SAB tumbuh pangsa pasar dan pendapatan 18112011 - 08:20 Meskipun pertumbuhan volume bir datar dan penurunan volume minuman ringan di pasar dalam negeri, SAB masih berhasil menanam omzet dan pangsa pasar dalam enam bulan yang berakhir pada bulan September, kata perusahaan itu kemarin. SABMiller melihat masa depan yang lebih ketat di Eropa, AS 18112011 - 08:01 London - Brewer SABMiller JSE: SAB nyaris meragukan perkiraan dengan kenaikan pendapatan paruh tahun 11 pada hari Kamis, dan memperingatkan bahwa perdagangan di Eropa dan Amerika Utara akan tetap tangguh sebagai masukannya. Biaya lebih tinggi. SABMiller menginvestasikan 295 juta di anak perusahaan Peru 17112011 - 10:52 Pembuat minuman keras global SABMiller akan berinvestasi pada program investasi modal 295 juta di anak perusahaan Peru, Backus. Heineken, Coca-Cola Hellenic untuk meningkatkan taruhannya di European JV 11112011 - 09:19 Pabrik bir Belanda HEINEKEN dan Coca-Cola Hellenic telah mencapai kesepakatan untuk mengakuisisi 41,2 saham di perusahaan minuman patungan mereka, Pivara Skopje, di Republik Yugoslavia Mekas Macedonia (FYROM) di Eropa. SABMiller anak perusahaan Miller Brands telah menandatangani kesepakatan distribusi dengan Van Steenberge Brewery dan Sint Stefanus Monastery of Belgium, untuk meluncurkan bir kerajinan baru, bir bir St Stefanus Belgia, di Inggris. Akar Afrika menciptakan pasar untuk SABMiller 02112011 - 15:35 Brewer meluncurkan bir dengan biaya rendah berbasis singkong untuk pasar Mozambik untuk menangkap tim berpenghasilan rendah yang belum dimanfaatkan yang berpenghasilan rendah Tim winery Kanada membentuk perusahaan patungan 01112011 - 09:08 Winery Winery berbasis di Wayne Gretzky Kanada telah Mengadakan kemitraan dengan Andrew Peller Estates untuk membentuk Joint Venture dengan tujuan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan Anggur Wayne Gretzky di seluruh Kanada. Odom-Southern membeli grosir anggur Washington Cavatappi 31102011 - 09:14 Odom-Southern of Pacific Northwest, perusahaan patungan dari Southern Wine Spirits of America dan Odom Corporation telah membeli grosir anggur berkualitas tinggi Cavatappi Distribuzione (Cavatappi) dari Washington. Bir Yanjing dari China akan mendapatkan distributor baru di Spanyol 27102011 - 10:22 Grup Yanjing Beer, produsen minuman China, telah memilih Miquel Alimentaci Group sebagai distributor baru biro Yanjing di Spanyol. Diageo melanjutkan kemitraan dengan Southern Wine amp Spirits 27102011 - 10:18 Produsen premium, anggur, dan bir premium Global, Diageo telah memperpanjang kesepakatannya dengan Southern Wine Spirits of America (Selatan), distributor anggur dan arwah nasional di AS. Southern sekarang akan terus menjadi distributor eksklusif perusahaan roh untuk delapan negara bagian AS. Perkiraan Heineken Beats Estimates 26102011 - 10:16 Heineken NV, produsen bir terbesar ketiga di dunia berdasarkan volume, melaporkan pertumbuhan pendapatan yang mengalahkan perkiraan karena penjualan di Eropa barat turun kurang dari yang diperkirakan. Penyulingan Bir Afrika Timur menunda penjualan 25102011 - 08:23 Pejabat SABMiller mengkonfirmasi penundaan dengan mengatakan proses tersebut sedang menunggu persetujuan beberapa dokumen oleh pihak-pihak termasuk regulator pasar modal Tanzanias Jim Beam Meeting Skinnygirl mengundang pengambilalihan minuman keras 11 Miliar: Real MampA 24102011 - 09:22 Jim Beam bourbon Dan koktail Skinnygirl mungkin cukup untuk meyakinkan Pernod-Ricard SA (RI) dan Diageo Plc (DGE) untuk mencoba perolehan roh terbesar dalam enam tahun. Tennent039s Lager untuk memperluas ke pasar internasional baru 21102011 - 09:42 Irlandia bir dan produsen sari CC Group mengatakan merek Tennents Lager akan memperluas ke pasar internasional baru. Perusahaan tersebut berencana untuk mengambil bir, yang saat ini dijual di Australia dan Kanada, ke AS awal tahun depan dan kemudian ke negara-negara lain di Eropa. SABMiller, salah satu bir terbesar di dunia dengan kesepakatan kepentingan dan distribusi di enam benua, pada hari Rabu mencatat volume bir datar di pasar asalnya Afrika Selatan pada paruh pertama 2012-nya. Tahun keuangan, dipengaruhi oleh melemahnya permintaan konsumen. Namun secara keseluruhan, kelompok tersebut mengatakan bahwa mereka menjual 3 bir lagi di babak pertama. SABMiller dalam aliansi strategis dengan Anadolu Efes 19102011 - 10:36 Pelatih internasional SABMiller dan Anadolu Efes pada hari Rabu mengumumkan rencana untuk membentuk aliansi strategis yang akan menciptakan entitas yang akan memegang posisi dua pasar nomor dua, di pasar bir Rusia . VuQo Holdings Corp, produsen VuQo Premium Vodka, mengatakan perusahaan tersebut telah menerima surat akuisisi dari sebuah perusahaan global besar yang dikenal untuk mendirikan dan mengoperasikan bar, klub malam, restoran , Dan properti hotel dan resort. BrewDog membuka tutup bir bir pertama yang diseduh di bawah air laut 17102011 - 09:21 Pabrik pembuatan bir Skotlandia, BrewDog, telah meluncurkan bir baru yang diseduh di dasar Laut Utara. Bir, dengan nama Sunk Punk, dikatakan sebagai bir pertama yang diseduh di bawah air. Winopa Bodegas Riojanas Targetkan Pertumbuhan Laba Tahunan sebanyak 10 12102011 - 09:36 Bodegas Riojanas SA (RIO), produsen anggur Rioja dari Spanyol yang didirikan pada tahun 1890, mengharapkan pendapatan setahun penuh naik dari tahun sebelumnya karena promosi dan operasi yang lebih rendah. Biaya mengimbangi pasar domestik yang babak belur. Nama Trump meningkatkan industri anggur Va anggur 11102011 - 09:04 Industri anggur anggur Virginias mendapat dorongan global pada hari Selasa dari Donald Trumps jutaan dolar, selebriti dan properti mewahnya di seluruh dunia di mana anggur dari kebun anggur barunya akan menjadi makanan pokok. KWV memainkan poin-poin hukum terhadap proposal pemegang saham 07102011 - 08:55 Pertarungan hukum sedang dilakukan antara kelompok anggur dan minuman KWV dan beberapa pemegang saham minoritasnya, yang dipimpin oleh aktivis Chris Logan, menyusul langkah pemegang saham minoritas untuk memberikan resolusi kepada para pemegang saham di Pertemuan umum tahunan perusahaan (RUPST). Laporan pembelian beli mengirim SABMiller ke atas 10 07102011 - 08:20 SABMiller tidak mungkin dibeli oleh AB InBev karena biaya potensial untuk keluar dari usaha patungan, dan harga pengambilalihan menurut analis London. Pearlfisher merekrut kembali sari kayu Wyld PKBR 05102011 - 10:56 Badan perancang berbasis Inggris Pearlfisher telah menciptakan identitas merek baru untuk sari buah Westons Ciders Wyld Wood Premium Organic. Produsen anggur Prancis melaporkan keberhasilannya dengan ProLiner PP30 04102011 - 10:30 Digunakan oleh Castel untuk penerapan label di dua pusat pembotolannya di Castel Languedoc Roussillon dan Blanquefort Bordeaux, kapal selam UPM Raflatac ProLiner PP30 telah memungkinkan perusahaan anggur Prancis memperbaiki productivity and environmental performance. Diageo Outbids SABMiller, Heinekein With 225 Million For Ethiopian Brewer 04102011 - 09:45 Diageo Plc (DGE), the worlds largest distiller, agreed to buy Ethiopias state-owned Meta Abo Brewery for 225 million after outbidding SABMiller Plc (SAB) and Heineken NV. (HEIA) Ad industry unites against ban 03102011 - 08:26 Cape Town - Members of the advertising industry have come together in an effort to prevent the governments proposed ban on alcohol advertising, it emerged on Friday. Alcohol ad ban will close firms - agency 30092011 - 08:56 Johannesburg - Banning alcohol advertising will force small and medium outdoor advert companies to close down, Out of Home Media SA (OHMSA) said on Thursday. SAB launches Brutal Fruit in new packaging 29092011 - 10:24 South African Breweries (SAB) brand and alcohol-based cooler Brutal Fruit has relaunched with a new look from SpearPackaging Africa. Alcohol ad ban for sponsors, says minister 29092011 - 09:09 Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledis proposed ban on liquor advertising would wipe out all sports sponsorships by alcohol companies if it became law. SABs past 12 years a lot to swallow 26092011 - 08:46 In 1999 at the time South African Breweries transferred its primary listing to London it was a very big fish in a small pond. Just more than 12 years and about 30 billion (R247bn) worth of acquisitions later, SABMiller is a big fish in a very big pond. In terms of revenue it is the second largest beer group in the world, trailing a good bit behind Anheuser-Busch-Inbev (AB-Inbev). South African wine bottles get 039smart039 23092011 - 14:28 South African website wine. co. za is offering free QR-codes - codes that can be read by smartphones - to local wine estates for use on their bottles, giving consumers quick and easy access to information about the wine on the internet. Australian wine seeks new markets amid falling sales 23092011 - 10:48 New figures show sales of Australian wine have fallen sharply as the industry faces its worst slowdown in a decade and a half. Bosses defend iconic Foster039s sale 22092011 - 08:55 Sydney - Fosters executives on Thursday defended the decision to approve a takeover for the iconic Australian brewer that will put it in foreign hands for the first time in its 150-year history. Restrictions looming for liquor advertising 19092011 - 09:07 The recent call for a total ban on the advertising of alcohol by the national Minister of Health prompted the organisers of the 3rd Annual Western Cape Liquor Conference include this issue for discussion at the conference held on the 9th of September. SABMillers application rejected 09092011 - 08:54 Fosters rejected SABMiller offer worth A9,25bn or A4,7675 per share as too low, company says it is open to discussing a sensible bid Michael Fridjhon Wine 02092011 - 15:38 Old wine is something of an acquired taste. For many enthusiasts, anything with more than 10 years in the bottle is an unknown experience. The culture of ageing wine began its retreat in the inflationary years of the 1970s. It gathered pace as producers developed ways such as focusing on early-release varieties to make their wines market-ready sooner. SAB: Licence moratorium harms economy 02092011 - 08:25 Johannesburg - A six-month moratorium on the issuing of new liquor licences in Gauteng is hurting the economy, SA Breweries (SAB) said on Thursday. No outright ban on alcohol ads seen 31082011 - 13:36 But team plans significant restrictions on alcohol advertising and, possibly, a ban in particular segments of the media Gauteng liquor licence moratorium stays 30082011 - 08:36 Pretoria - The chaos at the Gauteng Liquor Board would become worse if an urgent application for the setting aside of a moratorium on issuing licences were to be granted. Weak Fosters results give SABMillers offer a chance 29082011 - 08:30 A sustained appreciation in the value of the Australian dollar or the arrival of an aggressive private equity player are regarded as the only factors that might impede SABMillers success in acquiring control of Australian brewer Fosters. SA vineyard workers maltreated - report 23082011 - 10:36 Johannesburg - Workers at vineyards producing South Africas internationally renowned wines are denied many of their basic rights, a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report said on Tuesday. SABMiller make new offer for Fosters 17082011 - 08:40 SABMiller has made a new offer to acquire the Australian brewer after the original offer was rejected South African Wines reached milestone - 10 local wines achieve perfect score 15082011 - 08:52 August 11, saw SAWi celebrating the achievements of South Africas top wines with laureates and guests welcomed at Longridge Wine Estate in Stellenbosch. This was indeed an historic occasion, considering the results which is setting a new quality benchmark for South African wines with no less than 10 wines achieving a perfect 100 points. SA wine bottling industry in economic decline 10082011 - 14:26 The Simondium bottling plant of FirstCape Vineyards, the biggest exporter of SA wine to the UK, stands idle, with 25 workers laid off. How much is a bottle of wine really worth 28072011 - 09:12 The Worlds most expensive bottle of white wine was recently purchased for 75,000 by a private collector by the name of Christian Vanneque. This rare bottle of white wine, an 1811 Chateau dYquem will be on display at Christian Vanneques restaurant, the SIP Sunset Grill in Bali, Indonesia, when this establishment opens in September. Most expensive bottle of white wine ever sold for 75,000 27072011 - 11:38 This is certainly a bottle of wine to save for a very special occasion. The precious bottle of 1811 Chteau dYquem today became the worlds most valuable bottle of white wine, after it was sold for 75,000. Backlash against SABMiller pay plan 22072011 - 10:27 London - Brewer SABMiller suffered a backlash from investors when 16 of shareholders voting at the companys annual shareholder meeting opposed last years pay awards to directors. SABMiller beer volumes rise 22072011 - 10:18 London - Brewer SABMiller reported a rise in first-quarter beer volumes led on continued growth in emerging markets, but kept the market guessing if it will sweeten its bid for Australias Fosters. Government backs new wine tourism Vindaba to boost SA tourism 14072011 - 15:28 As the National Tourism Sector Strategy works towards positioning South Africa as one of the worlds top 20 travel destinations by 2020, key stakeholders in wine and tourism are uniting to present the countrys first specialist wine tourism exhibition, Vindaba. Alcohol ad ban would cost jobs and revenue: analyst 07072011 - 10:41 A complete ban on alcohol advertising will result in a total loss of revenue, including sponsorship, sports development leveraging, events and below the line activities, of R2.6 billion, a preliminary impact study has found. SABMiller and Foster039s can benefit Moody039s 29062011 - 09:19 SABMillers A9.5 billion (R68.4bn) takeover offer for Fosters Group would benefit both companies earnings and help them cut costs if a deal was completed, Moodys Investors Service said yesterday. Investec punts SABMiller despite Foster039s bid 28062011 - 12:08 London - Investec Securities recommended buying shares in SABMiller JSE:SAB on Tuesday as it became one of the first brokers to see the positive in its bid for Australian beermaker Fosters Group. New tech for old fruits 28062011 - 11:54 Green Cell Technologies enhanced extraction process has transformed the fruit juice manufacturing industry. SAB awarded for water care efforts - Top honours for 2nd consecutive year 27062011 - 12:29 The South African Breweries Limiteds (SAB) progressive efforts to conserve water have been acknowledged for a second consecutive year during the annual Mail and Guardian Greening the Future Awards, held in Hyde Park, Johannesburg, yesterday. Fosters rejects SABMiller offer 21062011 - 12:42 Fosters Group on Tuesday rejected a non-binding, conditional proposal from the worlds second-largest brewer, SABMiller. SABMiller share falls as Fosters bid rejected 21062011 - 00:00 JOHANNESBURG - The SABMiller share price dropped R8.40 or 3.5 to R234.70 hours after the board of Fosters, the iconic Australian brewer, rejected SABMillers A11.2bn bid. Amarula039s secret recipe revealed 09062011 - 09:48 Cape Town - Distells secret regarding the composition of its Amarula Cream liqueur is out and there is speculation that the liqueurs image could suffer in the eyes of consumers. Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show 2001 Awards - An Unsurprising Surprise 06062011 - 15:06 In the most closely contested race since the inaugural event in 2002, Spier edged ahead of Thelema Mountain Vineyards to take the Fairbairn Capital Trophy for the Top Producer at the 2011 Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show. brandhouse Responsible Drinking Media Awards winners announced 06062011 - 14:28 The winners of the 2011 brandhouse Responsible Drinking Media Awards were announced at a cocktail reception ceremony at the Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg on Wednesday (1 June) evening. SABMiller sells stake in Kenya Breweries 06062011 - 07:58 Johannesburg - SABMiller on Monday announced that its subsidiary SABMiller Africa has agreed to sell its 20 shareholding in Kenya Breweries to East African Breweries for about 225m in cash. SAB denies MECs licences claim 02062011 - 13:03 SOUTH African Breweries (SAB), the local unit of SABMiller. has expressed concern about comments by Gauteng economic development MEC Qedani Mahlangu on the sale of liquor to unlicensed outlets, saying it does not sell liquor to people who do not have licences, as she claimed in a press briefing on Tuesday. ASDA-IPL provides support to emerging South African table grape farmers 31052011 - 08:06 BENTONVILLE, Ark. May 30, 2011: Walmart businesses ASDA and IPL, in conjunction with the South African Table Grape Industry (SATI), recently facilitated a visit of emerging table grape farmers to the United Kingdom. SA exporters 039bullied by Brits039 31052011 - 07:38 Cape Town - South African fruit producers supplying the United Kingdom have had enough of supermarkets and their buyers bullying tactics, and have now called on the British government to protect them from alleged unethical practices. Best of wine tourism awards open on new wave of optimism 27052011 - 09:31 New Government backing for South African wine tourism, Cape Towns selection as the top city in the Travelers Choice Destination by the worlds largest travel site, TripAdvisor, and the inclusion of three Cape restaurants on the 2011 S. Pellegrino Worlds 100 Best Restaurants list were all great news for local wineries, said industry spokesperson Andr Morgenthal. SABMillers profit floats higher on strong volume growth 20052011 - 10:24 SABMillers South African subsidiary, SAB, posted strong results in the year to March as both lager and soft drink volumes increased and a new business strategy launched in 2009 gained traction. Emerging markets boost SABMiller 19052011 - 11:22 London - Strong growth in the emerging markets of Africa, Asia and Latin America helped brewing giant SABMiller beat forecasts with a 19 rise in annual earnings while Europe and North America proved tougher. Hong Kong is a bipolar market for wine, says expert on Asia 17052011 - 08:25 Hong Kong is the Wall Street of Asia and the home of fine wine, deep pockets and big cellars, according to Debra Meiburg, a Master of Wine, international wine judge and consultant to producers trading in Asian markets. A sobering thought 10052011 - 16:12 The threat of a ban on alcohol advertising looms large and has massive implication to our industry. Tanya Farber and Jeremy Daniel investigate. Cape wine masters graduate 09052011 - 15:03 Three new graduates have been awarded Diplomas as Cape Wine Masters at a ceremony being hosted by Lourensford Estate in Somerset West on Friday, May 6. Self-taught winemaker wins Van Ryn039s award for Brandy excellence 09052011 - 08:56 Newly graduated Cape Wine Master (CMW) Mary-Lou Nash is the 2011 winner of the Van Ryns Award for Brandy Excellence, achieving the highest score in the section of the Cape Wine Academys Cape Wine Masters examination, devoted to brandy. Distells amazing legal battle to save tax on Amarula 05052011 - 17:11 LIQUOR giant Distell waged and lost a four-year legal battle to avoid paying higher excise duty on its flagship liqueur Amarula after it was classified as a spirit-based drink, rather than a wine-based one, court documents show. Distell Undeterred By Current Market 26082010 - 00:00 Distell has posted year-on-year revenue growth of 8,7 to R11,8 billion on a sales volume increase of 7,3 for the 12 months to June 30, 2010.PROOF THE BIBLE IS TRUE The WORLDprimeS BIGGEST SKEPTIC regarding the Bible Later, he went to Israel and saw the evidence of Biblical places and prophecies. There are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NOT ONE has ever been wrong. Lifes x231 decision: Will you trust in Jesus plus read and obey the Biblex3F Godprimes Word reveals ldquoWhat Lies Aheadrdquo with 100x25 accuracy. Nuclear Blast App. 17,000 SUBJECT INDEX Salvation Devotionals EMAIL US ISRAEL was destroyed in 70 AD, but the Bible stated that one day it would be REBORN . Nearly 2000 years passed, but then . the miracle happened. Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. This single event was Day 1 of what the Bible calls the LATTER DAYS of the END TIMES . The Scriptures seem to indicate that a period of up to 80 years in length would follow Israelprimes rebirth x2010ref Ps 90:10. When Israel declared itself to be a state, the nations around it attacked . Israel seemed to be without hope. Many were killed, but Israel survived. Again, in 1967 and 1973, they were attacked. ISRAELprimes REBIRTH began a countdown that will lead to an event called the Tribulation . During this countdown, 365 Biblical signs of the times should take place. Incredibly, one by one, THEY HAVE come to pass. Now there is only TWO LEFT that we know of. After all are fulfilled, then the Rapture x28also called the Translation or caught up x29 is expected for those that follow Jesus x28the Biblex29. This should be on the Jewish ldquoFeast of Trumpetsrdquo x2010Num 10:2 and the time will be at midnight x28Israeli timex29x2010Mt 25:6. Many that think they are saved will be left, crying, Lord, Lord, open to usx2010Lk 13:25. Shortly after the Rapture, the terrifying TRIBULATION begins. Over onex2010half of the earthprimes population will die from wars, starvation, executions and plagues. After the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon will explode. Jesus shall return and 1000 years of peace will follow. Sadly . many ldquoso-calledrdquo Christians dont have a clue to what is happening. Millions listen to psychology, storytelling, and feel good teaching, but turn a deaf ear to Godprimes WORD, repenting, and obeying the Bible. The end for most is the Lake of Fire, not Heaven . Events called the Rapture x28or translation, or caught upx29, then the Tribulation. Armageddon. and the return of Jesus should be soon . The Bible warns ldquoYOUrdquo to be ready x2010Mt 24:44, but indicates that only the ldquoFEWrdquo that obey Godprimes Word shall be taken. EMAIL ndashDrop us a line. Info on this site is copy copyrighted. It may be copied for personal use only. JESUS is the ldquoWORDrdquo . He is ldquoCOME IN THE FLESHrdquo x2010ref 1 Jn 4:2,3 2 Jn 7. SEARCH THE BIBLEx20123 menus: One below the picture . A larger one to the left . Click for the 17,000 MASTER MENU . EMAIL. We want to hear from you. BLOG World News SOON COMING CLIMAX Is this YOUx3F For the time has come (which is NOW ) when people will not put up with ldquoSOUND DOCTRINErdquo. They choose to listen to those that say what their ears itch to hear. They turn from Godprimes Word and turn to meaningless talk that makes them feel goodx2010ref 2Tim 4:3,4. Such will perish. The Bible tells YOU to examine yourself (by Godprimes Word) to see if ye be in the faith or MISLED TEACHING. Some say, no one can know the day and hour of the Rapture. Salah. Note Godprimes Word: Mt 24:35,36- HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY . but My Words shall not pass away. But of ldquoTHATrdquo DAY AND HOUR knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. We cannot know the day and hour the heaven and earth pass away. THE BIGGEST SKEPTIC IN THE WORLD63 IT COULD HAVE BEEN ME To the best of my memory, before I came to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I did not think about God at all. I did not read the Bible. I did not go to church. I did not think about dying, or heaven or hell. I owned my own business and tried to be a good person. I thought I had succeeded by my own wits. One evening, my wife and I heard documentation that these were the last days before Jesus Christ would return. Not wanting to hear it, I almost walked out. Something kept me there, and I listened, but was not convinced. I decided to do some research to find out if the Bible was true. Indeed, if I could find one contradiction or anything that was not true, then I could disregard it. I thought this would be easy. This led me into much research. I learned nearly one8211third of the Bible is, directly or indirectly, related to prophecy. I needed to determine when the Bible was written. Thus, a study of biblical history, translations, and archaeology was necessary. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which had been found in Israel, contained Old Testament prophecies of the coming of Jesus. It has been proven that these were written before Christ came. Thousands of clay tablets and archaeological sites confirmed many accounts in the Bible. I took time off and began studying the prophecies. My wife spent much time at the library. She obtained documentation from reference books and various sources, which I would check against the Scriptures to see if the prophecies took place. I worked on it day and night. One week went by, and then a month. No stone was left unturned. Every prophecy we were able to document proved to be true. I was astonished, but still not convinced. Later, people would show me what appeared to be mistakes and contradictions in the Bible. Turned out, these were not contradictions, but only a lack of research on their part. Stubborn, that8217s me. Even after four months of intensive study, night and day, authenticating prophecy after prophecy, I was still skeptical. I became more determined. It wasn8217t possible that the sixty8211six books of the Bible, written by many people over hundreds of years, would not have some errors. Thousands of prophecies, and every one perfect63 No, impossible If I would admit that, then I would also have to admit that God in heaven exists, and that I needed to surrender myself to Him. I was not prepared to do that8212yet, I wanted to know the truth. More months passed. I still refused to admit the Bible was all true. I pushed on. More and more research took place. Unknown to me, before I reached this point, my wife had received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, but not me. I was just too stubborn. Perhaps, my success in the business world was also blinding me. Perhaps, it was my refusal to admit I had been wrong all my life. Perhaps, it was that I just did not want to repent and change. But then, finally, after thousands of hours, I just gave up and stopped. I had to admit that I was wrong. I became afraid. I understood that I would perish. I knew what I had to do to be born again. I repented and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I got on my knees and prayed. I received Him as my only hope of salvation by FAITH8211ref Eph 2:8821110. Afterward, I was baptized by full immersion. Jn 3:168211For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Acts 4:128211There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we MUST be saved. I may have been the biggest skeptic in the world . but now I know8212the Bible is true and is the Word of God. Anyone doing the same research could only come to the same conclusion, if they are honest with themselves. YOU can repent and call on Jesus RIGHT NOW to be YOUR Lord and Savior. You can pray, 8220JESUS, HAVE MERCY ON ME A SINNER.8221 AFTER . you are commanded to be baptized by full immersion. Some mistakenly baptize babies. A baby can8217t repent or believe in Christ. Being buried in the water and coming out into the newness of life is according to God8217s Word8211ref Mk 16:16 Acts 2:38 Ro 6:1821110. IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, many have spent months or years, even a lifetime, trying to prove the Bible is not true. It becomes an obsession for some yet, no one has ever succeeded. I know, because I was one. Some have even resorted to telling lies about the Bible, hoping to cause some to turn from God. I know this also, as some have contacted me, but when I checked out what they said, I found they were dishonest. If anyone could prove the Bible was not true, it would probably make the headlines of nearly every major media outlet in the world. THERE ARE APP. 10,385 PROPHECIES IN THE BIBLE. EVERYONE HAS COME TRUE UP TO THIS TIME8212WITHOUT ONE SINGLE EXCEPTION. IMPOSSIBLE8212YET TRUE. THE FOOL HATH SAID IN HIS HEART, THERE IS NO GOD8211Ps 14:1. THE 8220SOON8221 COMING CLIMAX Plus More Proof the Bible Is True Through the Signs of the Times Listed in the Bible. Israel8217s rebirth, on May 14, 1948, began 8220the latter days8221 of the last days. 40People of the world will soon need a copy of what you may be about to read.41 It is amazing. Nearly all of the final 365 prophecies 40or the signs of the times41 in the Bible that were to occur before the Rapture are now in place. In less than a decade, the Rapture is expected. It will be followed by the Tribulation. Yet most of the world8217s population is completely oblivious to what is taking place. Most cannot name one of the 365 prophecies. Lk 12:548211578211Jesus said: When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern 40or understand41 the face of the sky and of the earth but how is it that ye do not discern 40or understand41 this time 63 YEA, AND WHY EVEN OF YOURSELVES JUDGE YE NOT WHAT IS RIGHT63 This message may be called a road sign of warning. Some may look at a sign that reads8212THE BRIDGE IS OUT, and say, 8220Oh, someone is just trying to scare us into taking another road let8217s go on the same way.8221 They go on and plunge to their death. The sign was meant to warn them of impending danger. God wants 8220you8221 to know, WHEN YOU SEE THESE THINGS COME TO PASS 40that is, the prophecies 40or signs41 from the Bible that lead to the Rapture and Tribulation41, 8220 KNOW 8221 THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH AT HAND 40or is about to happen41 ref8211Lk 21:31. The Bible clearly reveals the following. 42 Will Russia and some Arab nations invade Israel, and the USA become involved63 Yes. 42 Will there be a one8211world economic system or global economy63 Yes. 42 Will violence, hostility and senseless killings increase in the world63 Yes, it is happening now, even in schools. 42 Will alternate lifestyles increase, prosper and become accepted63 Yes, it is happening now. Have you noticed weather patterns throughout the world are beginning to change63 WHAT IS GOING ON63 People have said the end was near many times8212true. However, did you know that no prophecy of the latter years of the last days had any meaning, until one seemingly impossible event took place63 That event was the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Did you know God8217s Word indicates a generation would not pass from Israel8217s rebirth 40May 14, 194841 till all be fulfilled 40which includes the events of the Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, Christ8217s return, and the elect gathered41. The Bible gives app. 365 prophecies that would all come together after Israel8217s rebirth . By Israel8217s rebirth and the signs, we would know and understand the times we are in. Many people have been preaching about the latter years of the end times in churches, on radio, TV, the Internet, in books, and magazines. Some include Billy Graham, Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, Charles Stanley, Jimmy Swaggart, Jack Van Impe, Peter Lalonde, Tim LaHaye, Ed Hindson, Perry Stone, and John Ankerberg. To those that understand the Bible, these things should be understood. To those that will not admit they sin and repent, but despise God8217s Word, no explanation is possible8211ref Dan 12:4, 10 Mt 24:37, 39. It has been said that it is VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to make 11 straight predictions, 2000 years into the future. There is only 1 chance in 8 x 10 to the 63rd power, or 80 with 63 zeros after it that such a thing could be done. If such a set of predictions existed, 8220 it would HAVE TO BE the Word of God .8221 Could you write eleven straight predictions that would take place in the year 4000 AD63 Include the rebirth of a specific nation and how it would be reborn. Include specific nations that would exist and be allied together, and the exact size of a nation8217s army. Include what the people and church would be like in those days. Do eleven straight prophecies and be perfect on every one. The Bible not only does this eleven times, but hundreds of times. If this is so, then even the most skeptical person 40that is truthful41 would have to agree that God does exist, and the Bible HAS TO BE His Word . It is written: KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OF THE SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME BY THE WILL OF MAN: BUT HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST82112 Pe 1:20,21. YOU ARE TO 8220KNOW.8221 IT IS A COMMAND. Some may say no one can know and understand the times we are in. Hear the words of Jesus Himself. Lk 21:318211328211SO LIKEWISE YE, WHEN 8220YE SEE8221 THESE THINGS COME TO PASS, 8220KNOW8221 YE THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH AT HAND. VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, THIS GENERATION 40the generation that sees Israel8217s rebirth41 SHALL NOT PASS AWAY, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED8211ref Mt 24:33 Mk 13:29. Is there an event that you cannot know the day and hour of63 YES . It is heaven and earth passing away 40an event that takes place more than 1000 years in the future41of that event, you cannot know the day and hour, no not the angels of heaven8211Mt 24:35,36. Needful general info: The Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed app. 721 BC. The Southern Kingdom of Judah ended about 135 years later8211app. 586 BC. Since that time, about 14 different peoples have possessed the land of Israel. The idea that Israel would ever become a nation again seemed impossible. Let8217s prove the Bible is true and also prove that we are nearing the end of the last generation before Christ returns. 40Prophecy number 141 . The Jewish people would be scattered worldwide yet the Bible predicted that 8220 Israel would become a nation 8221 again. It would happen after a long time and at a time the Bible calls the 8220latter days82218211ref Isa 66:8 Mic 5:3 Ezek 38:8. Against what appeared to be impossible odds . this prophecy was fulfilled on May 14, 1948 . after about 2500 years had passed. That8217s 1 out of 1 . Immediately, the combined powers of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt attacked seeking to destroy them. Israel had no chance. They had little to defend themselves against even one nation, let alone 5. Yet God was with them. They prevailed. Prophecy fulfilled. Israel8217s rebirth was the KEY SIGN that began the generation that would witness over 360 prophecies come to pass. As already stated, this generation would end with the events called the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon, return of Christ, and gathering of the elect. That generation should not exceed 70 to 80 years8211ref Ps 90:10. The Bible foretold that most people would not be aware of what the Bible said regarding the signs of the times, including the church. It would be like Noah8217s day, when few understood a flood was coming, and they would die. The Bible foretold of mockers that would not be saved 8211Jude18. 40Prophecy 241 . Israel shall be brought forth 8220 in one day, at once 82218211ref Isa 66:8. Prophecy fulfilled May 14, 1948. On Nov. 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the U. N. approved a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. On the morning of May 14, 1948 40the last day of the British mandate41, a meeting of the People8217s Council took place in Israel to decide on the name and finalize the Declaration. At precisely 4pm, the proclamation ceremony began at the Tel Aviv Museum. The 979 Hebrew words of the Scroll of Independence were read. All stood, and the scroll was adopted. The notorious White Paper, issued by the British in 1930, restricting Jewish immigration, was declared null and void. The People8217s Council signed the proclamation. David Ben8211Gurion rapped his gavel, declaring, 8220 The State of Israel is established . This meeting is ended.8221 In one day, at once, EXACTLY as the Bible predicted 8212Israel was reborn. President Truman was swift in announcing U. S. recognition of Israel. It is written: Isa 66:88211WHO HAS EVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING63 WHO HAS EVER SEEN SUCH THINGS63 CAN A COUNTRY BE BORN IN A DAY OR A NATION BE BROUGHT FORTH IN A MOMENT 63 YET NO SOONER IS ZION IN LABOR THAN SHE GIVES BIRTH TO HER CHILDREN. That8217s 2 out of 2 . 40Prophecy 341 . Israel would be 40reborn41 8220 out of the nations 82218211ref Ezek 38:8, 12. The 8220United Nations8221 approved a resolution for a Jewish state in Palestine. For centuries, Israel8217s land had been occupied by many nations. In addition, the children of Israel have returned to Israel from nations all over the world . Prophecy fulfilled. That8217s 3 out of 3 . 40Prophecy 441 . Israel must 8220 regain the city of Jerusalem 82218211Joel 2:32 Isa 28:14 Ezek 22:19. This happened in 1967. By Israel8217s rebirth and a precise line of events that all come together . we would understand the times we are in. We are not setting a precise date, but there is NO DOUBT that we are in the generation in which the Rapture will occur. This should be explained after the signs of the times. A person8217s life on earth is temporary. Everyone will live forever, but will it be with God, or in the lake of fire63 That8217s 4 out of 4 . 40Prophecy 541 . The last Christian church age before the Rapture would be lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot . Spiritually, it would be asleep . God will spew them out. The Bible tells of today8217s church8212you have acquired wealth, but your true condition is wretched, miserable, poor, blind . and naked . and YOU DON8217T KNOW IT 8211Rev 3:14821122. Little Scripture is used anymore that drives a person to their knees in repentance because of sin. Jesus and the Apostles taught sound doctrine, which included baptism by full immersion following repentance. They also taught prophecy, conforming to Christ, denying oneself, fearing God, following Christ, forsaking all, hell, obeying God8217s Word, serving God, sin, the judgments, the lake of fire, the signs of the times, and the Revelation. Most churchgoers know little of these subjects. They often know more about their preacher, his family, and church functions than about God8217s Word. Some churches are entertainment, socializing, and sports centers. Few recognize the miserable, spiritual condition of today8217s churches. In nearly every Christian church today, the Word of God is standing outside knocking on their door, but their door is shut to being corrected and repenting. Many Bible universities, famous ministers, and television evangelists think this is the best church age ever, because they have vast outreaches however, what they teach is wretched, when compared with the teachings of Christ. That8217s 5 out of 5 . The Bible gives about 119 descriptions of the people of the latter days. These fit the people of today perfectly, but they did not fit those of 50 or 100 years ago . Berikut adalah beberapa. 40Prophecy 641 . Some would depart from the faith and go into devil worship 82111 Tim 4:1. This is perfect. That8217s 6 out of 6 . 40Prophecy 741 . People would mock about the latter days of the last days and would not believe 82112 Pe 3:3 Jude 18. Are you one of them63 That8217s 7 out of 7 . 40Prophecy 841 . People 40or we may say children41 would be disobeying their parents 82112 Tim 3:1,2. Many parents can verify this is very true. Was it true 50 years ago63 Not nearly as much. That8217s 8 out of 8 . 40Prophecy 941 . What we call alternate lifestyles would increase and prosper 8211Lk 17:28,30 Gen 19:5 Ro 1:24,26,27. As little as 25 years ago, alternate lifestyles were rare. Now, it is as common as some of your neighbors. Thats 9 out of 9. 40Prophecy 1041 . People would be without self8211control in sex 82112 Tim 3:1,2,6 Rev 9:21 Lk 17:28,30 Jude 7. It is rare for newlyweds to both be virgins anymore. Reportedly, 7537 of all men cheat on their wives, and 6537 of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time 40the last church age41 82202000 years in the future8221 and been correct on this63 That8217s 10 out of 10 . 40Prophecy 1141 . People would love pleasures more than God 82112 Tim 3:1,2,4. Picnics, football, soccer, or sleep comes first. Church638212we can go later, or perhaps not at all. The American motto, 8220In God we trust,8221 has become a joke. Remember, these were predicted as part of the signs that we were at the time of the end. Thats 11 out of 11 . We have just reached the point that seemed impossible . There was only one chance in 80 with 63 zeros that anyone could write 11 straight predictions, 2000 years into the future, and be perfect on everyone. If such a set of predictions did exist, it would have to be the Word of God . Yet, there is more 40Prophecy 1241 . People would be taking drugs 8211Rev 9:21. The Greek word for sorceries, in Rev 9:21, refers to pharmaceuticals or drugs. Many will try most anything to get 8220a high.8221 Some drugs have now become legal. God8217s Word is 10037 right on every one. That8217s 12 out of 12 . How could you have any doubts at this point63 Can you find a movie anymore that does not curse God8217s name63 Does anyone fear God anymore63 Gum chewing was a problem in schools in the 19408217s. Today, it8217s stealing, weapons, and drugs. It8217s going to get worse . The Bible is never wrong. 40Prophecy 1341 . There would be weapons that could destroy the world 8211Mk 13:20 Rev 6:8 Rev 9:18 Zech 14:8,12. Incredibly, this prophecy was written in the days of swords, spears and arrows. That8217s 13 out of 13 . It is estimated that the nuclear arsenals of the USA and Russia 40as of now41 could kill every living thing on earth 6 times over. Russia and the USA both have bombs that are 2500x more powerful than those used against Japan. They have delivery systems that could strike the other in 8 to 15 minutes. Consider, 2000 years ago, people thought the earth was flat, yet the Bible tells us it is round8211ref Isa 40:22. People had crazy ideas about what held the earth up, even though the Bible says it hangs upon nothing8211Job 26:7. People were wrong. The Bible was right. 40Prophecy 1441 . In the latter days, when Israel was again a nation, there would be a great military power to its extreme north in the land of Magog 40which is modern Russia418211Ezek 38:282114,8,15,16. Moscow is almost directly north of Israel. Incredible How could the Bible have foretold the location of a nation, facts about its military, and the time period it would happen63 Russia is one of the two great military powers in the world. That8217s 14 out of 14 . As already said: Lk 24:258211O FOOLS, AND SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN. We are listing only a few of the 365 prophecies that are expected to be fulfilled before the Rapture and Tribulation happen8212363 are now in place. 40Prophecy 1541 . There would be a nation to the far east of Israel . to the end of the earth. They would have an army of 200 million . How could the Bible, 2000 years ago, have foretold the time period and location of a specific nation and the size of its military63 It is estimated, at the time this prophecy was given, the world8217s population was only about this same figure. China has boasted that they could field an army of this 8220exact8221 figure. That8217s 15 perfectly fulfilled prophecies in a row. The Bible is true. Here are two additional ones. 40Prophecy 1641 . Violence would increase. Have you noted the violence now going on in the Middle East63 Women are kidnapped, raped and sold. People are beheaded. Violence has jumped all over the world, even in schools. This was not true 35 years ago. That8217s 16 out of 16 . The time of the end is at hand. How much proof do you need to have63 40Prophecy 1741 . A KEY PROPHECY. There would be an economic alliance of the nations of the Old Roman Empire . This is a description of the European Union today 40the EU41. It has adopted a one8211currency system for many of its nations. It is written, IN THE DAYS OF THESE KINGS 40these nations, which is NOW 41 SHALL THE GOD OF HEAVEN SET UP A KINGDOM8211Dan 2:44. That8217s 17 out of 17 . We have now 8220 gone past 8221 the point that seemed impossible, which was 11 perfect predictions. The Rapture will happen soon . The Tribulation will follow. Even the biggest skeptic should see the Bible is true 40if they are honest41 . God does exist, and the Bible is His Word, and we have proved it . Study the Gospel daily, and obey it. God loves you. He really does. Mt 16:268211WHAT IS A MAN PROFITED, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL63 You can cry out to Jesus right now by praying, HAVE MERCY ON ME, O LORD, THOU SON OF DAVID8211Mt 15:22. Turn from sin to Jesus. Then be baptized by immersion. When Jesus comes to catch away His people, many will realize it is about to happen. However, it will be too late to repent. If you are waiting for the last HOUR to surrender to Christ8212that HOUR IS NOW. What8217s Next63 The Rapture Followed By the Tribulation 40Why Most Will Be Left Behind41 RAPTURE is a term used to describe the removal from the earth of all that are born8211again, as evidenced by their repentance, love, following Jesus, and obedience to God8217s Word . 8220 Few fit this description .8221 The key is devouring God8217s Word daily and letting It change you . Excuses do not lead to heaven. A sinner8217s prayer, without repentance and obeying God8217s Word afterwards, means nothing. What is written63 Repent and be baptized every one of you8211Acts 2:38. The Rapture ends the church age. The Tribulation begins soon after. Do not be deceived. The Revelation portrays the raptured saints in heaven, before the throne of God, prior to the Antichrist coming forth . 1 Cor 15:51,5282118220 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last 40that is, the second 41 trump: for the trumpet shall sound .8221 1 Thes 4:16,1782118220 and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds .8221 Born again Christians will be with Jesus. All others will face the dreadful Tribulation. The number of people that will be raptured will be very small . Most that believe they will be raptured will be left behind8211ref Mt 7:13,14, 21821123 20:16 25:8821111. People in some churches never hear the words 8220Rapture8221 or 8220the signs of the times.8221 Find a church that does teach these. Beware . The Scriptures clearly reveal that in these latter days, 8220many8221 Bible teachers are deceivers, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh . Some are famous and have large outreaches on the airwaves. They deceive many with their ideas that are contrary to good, sound Bible doctrine. Those that listen to them are not aware of them. The Bible tells us that this is the age of religious deception, when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but they will gather around themselves teachers that will say what their 40worldly and41 itching ears desire to hear. If you are one of them, you need to repent. Some may wrongly believe the Bible teaches no man can know the day and hour of the Rapture. THIS IS NOT CORRECT . It is true, those not ready will not know or understand however, those watching and ready will know. It is written82111 Thes 5:4-BUT YE, BRETHREN . ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, THAT THAT DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF. Born again Christians can know through the signs of the time. Many misread the 8220day and hour8221 verse by disregarding the verse right before it. It is written: Mt 24:35,3682118220 HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY ,8221 BUT MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY. BUT OF 8220 THAT 8221 DAY AND HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN 40the day and hour of the heaven and earth passing away, no man knows41, NO, NOT THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN, BUT MY FATHER ONLY. The Scriptures speak of 7 Jewish feast days. The Feast of Trumpets is the next one to be fulfilled. Two trumpets are blown8212the first one and the last one. This is usually in September. This is the day the Rapture is expected to come. It will be within a generation of the rebirth of Israel . That generation began May 14, 1948 and could continue to as late as 20288211ref Ps 90:10. When one subtracts the Tribulation period, one can see clearly that the Rapture of God8217s people is very close. The hour it will come is at midnight 40Israeli time418211Mt 25:6. As it is written, AT MIDNIGHT THERE WAS A CRY MADE. BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH. If it would come this year, would you be ready63 After the Rapture, the spirit of lawlessness will be unleashed. Sin, hate, and every kind of evil can be expected to explode as never before throughout the world. 40Click here for more info on the 7 Feasts of Israel41. What you may be about to read or hear is true. It has not been watered8211down or modified to try and keep your attention. It has not been altered, so it would say what your itching ears might want to hear. An estimated 40,000 hours of Bible study research over 35 years has been invested, including trips to the actual places many events will or have already taken place. Only Jesus Christ, Who is come in the flesh, is to be glorified. 40For the complete Tribulation Armageddon text, which is app. 150 pages, click here 41 Immediately following the Rapture, there will be no true, born again Christians left on the earth. The ones left will be those that had not repented, or if they did, they turned back. They were not doers of God8217s Word yet, many thought they were saved. In some cases, their Bibles were rarely read. They never understood about making a covenant with Christ by sacrifice8211Ps 50:5. Excuses and unbelief will abide with many that are not taken. They may have sung a song that said, 8220I surrender all,8221 but they never did. Many may have thought that only saying a prayer would save them, as many famous preachers said . Yet their Bibles would show this was not correct. Immediately following the Rapture, the spirit of lawlessness will be let loose. Violence worldwide will increase and begin approaching the way it was before the flood. Immediately following the Rapture, the man of sin 40called Antichrist, and many other names41 comes forth-2 Thes 2:6821112. He assumes control of the EU. He will be brilliant, charismatic and have an unusual, almost hypnotic, power of persuasion. He confirms a covenant 40or agreement, or treaty41 with Israel and others, WHICH BEGINS THE TRIBULATION 8211ref Dan 9:27. He is the son of Satan . God warns Israel, in His Word, that their agreement with hell would not stand. Israel does not heed His warning. Immediately following the Rapture, 144,000 male, virgin Jews are sealed with the seal of the living God on their foreheads. This seal will protect them. Twelve thousand are sealed from each of the tribes of Israel. None are sealed from the tribe of Dan. 40Those days should be shortened. The Lord had shortened those days. He hath shortened the days. He will cut it short. A short work 123or a shortened Tribulation125 will the Lord make.41 The entire Tribulation is a 7 year period of 360 days each, which is also 2520 days, or 84 months of 30 days each. It consists of two equal periods of 3189 years, which is two 42 month periods, or two 1260 day periods. The event that separates them is called the Abomination of Desolation 40which is explained further on41. However, the Lord may have cut short the first 3189 years8211ref Mk 13:20 Ro 9:28, and others. This will happen for the elect8217s sake, which are Jews . If the Lord had not shortened the days of the Tribulation, no flesh 40or life41 would be saved 40or would survive41. Most Jews may not understand this, until certain events happen sooner than expected. Few, if any Gentiles, may comprehend this now, or later. This is why the elect must look for the Abomination to occur, rather than counting 1260 days from the covenant of Dan 9:27. This should be explained under Tribulation Shortened . Day one of the Tribulation occurs when the Antichrist confirms a covenant 40or agreement41 with Israel and others for 7 years. There are no adequate words to describe how bad the Tribulation will be. The first part will be terrifying. The second part will be even worse. 40Russia and Its Allies Attack Israel41 Not long after the Rapture . God will bring Russia forth against Israel. Iran and others will come also. Russia attacks Israel to carry away silver, gold, and food, and to take a great spoil. This indicates they will be hurting for food and finances . Are there any signs that this is beginning to happen now63 Tiny Israel, despite its military advances, will have no chance. But, then, God steps in and makes His presence known. He destroys nearly all the invaders in such a way that the world will recognize Jesus Christ is alive and is protecting Israel8211Ez 38,39. The destruction of the invading armies will start with an earthquake. The invaders will go into a state of confusion and turn their weapons on each other. A plague and sickness will strike them. Heavy rains will come. Huge hailstones will rain down on them. Burning coals of sulfur will also come down. Only one8211sixth of the Russian invaders will be left alive. The birds and wild animals will have a great feast. God will be glorified as a result. Those that plunder Israel will become plunder for Israel. The dead bodies will be buried for seven months. Then men will search for more bones. 40World War 341 The USA becomes involved, but at what point is unclear. The destruction of the land of Russia 40or Magog41 and the USA follows. God will send fire upon both nations. The massive destruction will come from aircraft, missiles, and satellites of the opposing nation. The battle will take 4 hours of the day and 4 hours of the night. Thick clouds will cover one8211third of the earth. The fiery red horse will have been unleashed. Are there any problems developing between the USA and Russia right now63 Is much of the world turning against Israel, even though, in 1948, much of the world was 8220for8221 Israel63 If you claim to be born again, but do not love God8217s people, the Jews, you should examine yourself by God8217s Word and repent. 40Results of World War 341 One8211fourth of the world8217s population will ultimately die . The nearly two billion people that will die will have had no chance to repent . as this happens soon after the Rapture. Therefore, ALL perish to hell 8211ref Rev 6:8. Hell followed all that died . As a result of the Russian8211USA exchange, one8211third of trees will be burned up. All green grass worldwide will be burned up, as the radio active fallout follows the wind currents. This includes farm crops . One8211third of the waters will become wormwood 40or poisoned, or radioactive, or bitter41. One8211third of the sea will become blood. One8211third of the creatures in the sea will die8212thus, a shortage of fish. One8211third of the ships will be destroyed. Few ever thought this war would happen. From this point on, much of the USA and Russia can be expected to be a radioactive pile of ash . They will no longer be on the world scene. The USA will be as a tree that is reduced to a stump . Few are left alive. The dead bodies will become food for the wild animals and birds. The USA has turned their back on God. The preaching has become watered8211down. Nearly every perverse sin imaginable has become acceptable. Thus, God8217s judgment will come. How often do you fast unto the Lord 8212perhaps for a week each year63 Do you ever fast even for a day63 Do you tithe63 God8217s people that understand His Word do. The Bible teaches FEW go to heaven. Did you ever hear a clergy say any deceased person went to hell63 Some even teach there is a purgatory. It is unbiblical8211Lk 16:22,23 2 Cor 5:8. A united Europe led by the Antichrist will reach far and wide. China and the Kings of the East will dominate the east. 144,000 male, virgin Jews will go forth with the Gospel . They should alert the world as to what is happening and lead many to repent and follow Christ. However, children will betray their parents to the authorities. Wives and husbands will betray each other. Hate and coldness will be everywhere, but even more toward those that would dare to believe in Christ. False christs and false prophets that do miracles will come forth causing many to be confused and misled. 40The Jews Return to Israel41 Following WW3, Jews from around the world that survived will be gathered to their own land of Israel, and none will be left behind. THEN THE INCREDIBLE HAPPENS. ONE8211THIRD OF ISRAEL WILL BECOME FOLLOWERS OF JESUS. GOD REFINES THEM. HE TEACHES AND CORRECTS THEM. YET THE REST OF ISRAEL WILL STILL WALK CONTRARY TO GOD8217S WAYS. Massive famines will follow WW3. The price of a day8217s food will be a day8217s wages, if a person can find it. The black horse of starvation will be released. Increased earthquakes . unusual weather patterns . and huge tidal waves 40or tsunamis41 will continue to increase as birth pangs of a woman. 40Mystery Babylon. The Roman Catholic Church and Rome41 During the Tribulation, a one8211world, false religion that God calls MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH will greatly increase and prosper. None that are involved with this institution will be raptured, including the priests and pope. This church has its roots back to the Babylonian cult, which claimed to possess the highest wisdom. Before a member could be initiated, he had to 8220confess8221 to the priest. The priest then had him in his power. Once admitted into this order, men were no longer Babylonians, Assyrians, or Egyptians, but members of a Mystical Brotherhood over which was placed a Pontiff or 8220High Priest,8221 whose word was law. When Attalus died in B. C. 133, he bequeathed the headship of this 8220Babylonian Priesthood8221 to Rome. Astrology is part of this church. It is headquartered in a small, independent area of Rome called the Vatican. It has an almost hypnotic hold on many people. It may be said that the heart of this church is seductiveness, deception, manipulation, domination, and control. To many, she is the way to heaven, but, in reality, her people are all bound for hell, not the unbiblical purgatory. On the outside, she looks beautiful but on the inside, she is an abomination. 8220Jezebel8221 40Rev 2:2041 is synonymous with the Roman Catholic Church in the Revelation. Kings, heads of nations, and important people will become intoxicated with this Great Harlot during the first part of the Tribulation. It may be compared to a spider8217s web with honey. Once a person is entangled in the web of the whore, with its enticing doctrines, beauty, and splendor, then hell awaits them Few ever escape. Only repentance and obedience to God8217s Word can free a person from its clutches. Only the truth 40God8217s Word41 can set a person free. As Satan is transformed into an angel of light 402 Cor 11:1382111541, even so is this church. The city of Rome will become a center of commerce and trade. Ships will transport goods all over the world. This includes slaves and young girls. Through her, merchants will become rich. Greed, money, and power, describe this city. 40The Tribulation Continues8212The First Part41 Senseless violence . looting, rioting, destroying, and killing will continue to get worse and worse, as the salt of the earth is gone. Brutal killings, such as burning people alive, will not be uncommon during the Tribulation. Hate will abound. 40Many Killed For Their Faith During the First Part of the Tribulation41 40Many More Will Be Killed During the Second Part41 The Bible reveals that there are two groups in heaven that will be martyred. One group should be from the first part of the Tribulation8211ref Rev 6:9821111. These are killed for the WORD OF GOD and THE TESTIMONY THEY HELD. These were not killed for refusing to worship the image, as it does not yet exist. These are in heaven under the altar saying, 8220How long638221 The other group is from the second part, which is the Great Tribulation8211ref Rev 7:9821117. This is a great multitude that loved not their lives unto the death8211Rev 12:11. They would not take the mark or worship the image. They are from every nation and are clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands, which indicates victory. Jesus shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Both groups will come to trust in Jesus Christ during the Tribulation. 40More Events From the First Part of the Tribulation41 Every form of abomination . perversion, and sin will increase. Wickedness will be everywhere. Transgressors will become completely wicked. Witchcrafts 40or sorceries41, devil worship, fortunetellers, graven images, other gods, even the work of one8217s hands will become objects of worship8211Rev 7:4. Alternate lifestyles will be an accepted way of life. Others will go after all kinds of flesh. As the days of Lot . and of Sodom and Gomorrah were, so the earth will be. The Antichrist will continue to grow in power and authority. All sorts of diseases 40or pestilences41 will come upon people in various places. All these things will be like birth pangs of a woman, increasing in frequency and intensity. Wars and rumors of wars will continue. Wild animals will attack people. Drugs and drunkenness will be everywhere. During the first part of the Tribulation, construction will begin on a new temple on the Temple Mount in Israel. 40Nearing the End of the First Part of the Tribulation41 There had been no 8220sacrifices and oblations8221 in Israel since approximately 70 A. D, when they had been cut off by Titus. It is written: FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL ABIDE MANY DAYS 40or a long time, or many years41WITHOUT A SACRIFICE8211Hos 3:4. At this time, the sacrifices will begin once again in Israel. 40The End of the First Part of the Tribulation is Very Close. The 144,00041 During the first part of the Tribulation, 144,000 male, virgin Jews will be warning the earth to FEAR GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM. Many repent. Part one of the Tribulation draws to a close. The 144,000, which are redeemed 40or ransomed41 from among men, will be before the throne of God on the heavenly Mt. Zion. They are the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. They are without fault before the throne of God. They will have the Father8217s name written on their foreheads. When a person is in the Tribulation and all these horrible things are come upon them, if they turn to the Lord their God and obey His voice, God will not forsake them. He will not forget His covenant, for the Lord God is merciful. 40The Unexpected Time. More Easily Understood By the Jews, Because It is For Them That It Happens41 The events of the second part of the Tribulation will not be expected until 1260 days after the CONFIRMATION OF THE COVENANT that begins the Tribulation. However, the Antichrist, proclaiming he is God, will come sooner than expected. 40War in Heaven41 There will be a war in heaven. Satan and his angels will fight against the archangel Michael and his angels. The Devil and his angels will be defeated. The Devil will be cast down to the earth. One8211third of the angels of heaven will also be cast down. There will no longer be any place in heaven for them. Not only is life a test for the people of the earth, it is also a test for the angels . Will they follow God, or follow Satan63 Satan, which deceiveth the whole world, 40the bright, shining star41 that had accused the brethren day and night, will fall from heaven. It is written: I BEHELD SATAN AS LIGHTNING FALL FROM HEAVEN. There will be rejoicing in heaven. When the Devil sees that he is cast to the earth, he will be furious. Satan had thought in his heart that the day would come, when he would exalt his throne above the stars of God. He had thought he would be like the Most High. God says: Rev 12:128211WOE TO THE INHABITERS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE SEA FOR THE DEVIL 40the Adversary41 IS COME DOWN UNTO YOU, HAVING GREAT WRATH 40or he is very angry41, BECAUSE HE KNOWETH THAT HE HATH BUT A SHORT TIME 40or he knows that his time is short8211JNT41. The greatest slaughter of those that follow Jesus is about to begin. God had warned Israel8212when they made an agreement 40or covenant41 with the Antichrist 40or with hell418212it would be cancelled. This agreement started the Tribulation. He told Israel the bed was too short and the covering was too narrow8212meaning the agreement was no good8211Dan 9:26. The only true protection one can truly have, must come from God. 40Just Before 1260 Days From the End of the Tribulation41 Things will be happening so fast that the newsmedia may barely be able to keep up. Approximately 27 major events are expected to happen in about a two week period. 40The Two Prophets Or Witnesses41 About 4 days plus 1260 days before the end of the Tribulation, TWO WITNESSES from God appear in Jerusalem . They are both Jews 40or olive trees41. The power of God will protect Moses and Elijah for 1260 days, so they cannot be harmed or killed. Any that try to harm them will be killed by fire. They both will have their natural body and will be clothed in sackcloth. They have the power to shut up heaven, so it does not rain, and to bring all kinds of plagues on the earth. 40Note: The rain being cut off causes the Euphrates River to dry up. This enables the Kings of the East to cross over it in the latter part of the Tribulation, as they come to Israel.41 40Note: Whether the rain being shut off is only in Israel and the Middle East, including the Euphrates, is not known. Scripture does not seem to indicate the whole world will have no rain.41 Some wondered if Enoch will be one of the two. He was not a Jew. At Passover, children are taught to expect Elijah to come before the dreadful Day of the Lord 40which is Armageddon41. The two witnesses will speak such things as: THE VOICE OF HIM THAT CRIETH IN THE WILDERNESS, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD . Also BEHOLD, I WILL SEND MY MESSENGER, AND HE SHALL PREPARE THE WAY BEFORE ME: AND THE LORD, WHOM YE SEEK, SHALL SUDDENLY COME TO HIS TEMPLE . They will warn the people against taking the mark and worshipping the image. It is an unforgivable sin. They will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom8212that is, the 1000 year reign of Christ. All the world will see that their power is greater than that of the Antichrist yet, most will not heed their warnings. They will turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers. 40The Antichrist is Killed But Comes Back to Life41 About the same time as the two witnesses appear . the ANTICHRIST 40also called the Beast41 is killed by a wound in the head from a weapon. The world can see it on their handheld devices and the TV. But then the impossible happens. His deadly wound will be healed. As the Antichrist comes back to life, a spirit will come up from the bottomless pit to occupy his body. That spirit was once alive, but then dead, and now is alive again in the Antichrist. The world is astonished. He declares himself to be God and moves into the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. The daily sacrifice is taken away. They ascribe to him deity. People say such things as, 8220Who is like the beast638221 which is the Antichrist, and 8220Who is able to make war against him63 Who is able to kill him638221 Satan gives his son power, his seat, and great authority. The Antichrist will exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. He will sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. He has no regard for the God of his fathers, which is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He honors the god of forces, which is Satan, with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. He glorifies the Devil 40which is also called the Dragon in the Scriptures41. 40The World Changes Greatly After the Antichrist Comes Back to Life41 The ANTICHRIST is quick to sieze, as strong as a bear, and has the pride of a lion. He will do great miracles and wonders, so that, if it were possible, he could deceive even the very elect of God. His power will be as a result of Satan. The world will be persuaded that this is god, and he speaks the truth. He causes craft or deceit to prosper. He has no desire for women. He will change the set times and the laws. The various feast days of the past can be expected to be erased. He will have power over all people and every nation. He will accuse the God of heaven of things that have never been heard. He slanders His name, His tabernacle, and those that dwell in heaven. No person, or ruler on earth, has any power or authority to stand against him. Yet his power is not enough to defeat God8217s two witnesses until their 1260 days are finished. 40The False Prophet41 A FALSE PROPHET appears that speaks as Satan does, but is pictured as having two horns like a lamb. He is as a messenger of light. He has all the power of the Antichrist. He brings glory to the Antichrist and causes the earth to worship the Antichrist. He does great wonders and miracles. He makes fire come down from the sky as people watch. He deceives the whole world by the miracles he does. He has the spirit of a devil. He 40 the False Prophet 41 tells the people to make an image of 40or unto41 the Antichrist, or to honor the Antichrist. When it is made, the False Prophet has power to give 8220life or breath8221 to the image . Satan himself will occupy the image. It actually comes to life and speaks. 40Exactly 1260 Days Before the End of the Tribulation8212the Abomination of Desolation Occurs41 The image will be set upon a wing of the temple. THIS IS CALLED THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION . or the Abomination that made it desolate. The temple will be defiled. THERE IS NOW 3189 YEARS, WHICH IS 42 MONTHS, OR 1260 DAYS TILL THE TRIBULATION ENDS . THE SECOND PART IS CALLED THE 8220GREAT8221 TRIBULATION. FOR THEN SHALL BE GREAT TRIBULATION 40or affliction41, SUCH AS WAS NOT SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD 40or the creation41 TO THIS TIME, NO, NOR EVER SHALL BE8211Mt 24:21. As horrible as the first part of the Tribulation is, the second part will be far, far worse. 40Note41 Six times the Revelation gives the length of one half of the Tribulation. 40It is 1260 days, or 42 months, or 3189 years41. However, this always refers to the second part. This will only be understood by a few, until the various events actually happen. 40Worship The Image, Or Be Killed By Being Beheaded41 The image speaks . It causes all that will not worship the image to be killed. In other words, it is Satan that will cause those that will not worship Satan to be killed. Satan had said, in Isa 14:148211I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. Satan had offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, if He would fall down and worship him8211ref Mt 4:9. Jesus had said in return: Mt 4:108211GET THEE HENCE, SATAN: FOR IT IS WRITTEN, THOU SHALT WORSHIP THE LORD THY GOD, AND HIM ONLY SHALT THOU SERVE. However, the Antichrist accepts this offer. He is given all the kingdoms of the world, but it only lasts 42 months. The hatred of Satan, his Antichrist, and the False Prophet against the followers of Christ will be without limit. 40Tribulation Shortened41 40This was explained previously under Those Days Should Be Shortened 41 40Note: The events of the second part of the Tribulation will not be expected to begin until 1260 days had passed after the CONFIRMATION OF THE COVENANT, which we have already covered. However, the second part of the Tribulation will begin earlier than expected . as the Lord will shorten the first part for the elect8217s sake. Note: This is why the elect have to watch for the 8220Abomination8221 to take place, and then flee for their lives. They could not count 1260 days from the covenant, and then flee. Most Jews should understand this, as that day approaches. Most Gentiles may not. The first part being cut has to do with the elect Jews, not the Gentiles. Let it be stated this way. If Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet would have been allowed by God to have the full 2520 days, no flesh should be saved. 40The Forces of the Antichrist Immediately Go to Arrest All the Jews That Follow Christ41 8220THE JEWS ARE TO FLEE WITH NO HESITATION AT ALL.8221 The people of Judaea 40that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ41 are told to flee instantly and without hesitation. They are told to do this the instant they see that the image is set on a wing of the temple 40which is the Abomination of Desolation41. They will be able to see the Abomination as it takes place with their handheld devices . Such a thing was unthinkable not long ago. Even as the Abomination is occuring, the authorities will already be headed to their houses to arrest them. They are to flee fast to the mountains, to a place God will have prepared for them to dwell in safety. It is written: WHEN YE THEREFORE SHALL SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION SPOKEN OF BY DANIEL THE PROPHET, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE 40or standing where it ought not41 40WHOSO READETH LET HIM UNDERSTAND41 THEN LET THEM WHICH BE IN JUDAEA FLEE INTO THE MOUNTAINS. LET HIM WHICH IS ON THE HOUSETOP NOT COME DOWN TO TAKE ANYTHING OUT OF HIS HOUSE. NEITHER LET HIM WHICH IS IN THE FIELD RETURN BACK TO TAKE HIS CLOTHES. AND WOE UNTO THEM THAT ARE WITH CHILD, AND TO THEM THAT GIVE SUCK IN THOSE DAYS8211Mt 24:15821119. What should a mother do63 If she goes to get her child, both of them will be caught, tortured, and killed. A father has a thought to get a jacket, so he hesitates and gets caught. The obedient will escape. If a person is caught, the full wrath of Satan will be poured out against them, unless they take the mark and worship the image. As the Jews that are trusting in Jesus flee for their lives with God8217s help, Satan tries to stop them with a flood, but the earth opens its mouth and swallows the water, and they escape. God will take care of them for the next 3 189 years. Satan is wroth that the elect Jews escaped. He goes forth to make war against the rest that did not escape, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures tell the Jews that will flee8211Mt 24:208211BUT PRAY YE THAT YOUR FLIGHT BE NOT IN THE WINTER, NEITHER ON THE SABBATH DAY8211 Mt 24:20. This confirms it will not be 1260 days following the covenant, as the season, day, and date should be locked in and could be figured out. The number that shall escape from Judaea is unknown. The total number of Jews that will be protected will be 13rd of Israel. It is written: When thou art in tribulation . and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, 8220if8221 thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice 40for the Lord thy God is a merciful God41 he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them8211Deut 4:30,31. 40Take The Mark. 666 Or Cannot Buy Or Sell41 The False Prophet causes all people to receive a mark . or the name of the Antichrist . or the number of his name 40which is 666 41 in or on their right hand or forehead . No one can buy or sell without the mark . Without the mark, it will be nearly impossible to survive. A person cannot buy anything, anywhere. They cannot pay their rent, or utilities, or even their taxes. They cannot receive a salary. This mark will be needed to conduct all financial transactions. The world will become a cashless society that is totally under the control of the Antichrist. How can a mother get food for her baby63 Those that follow Christ, their faith will be severely tested. The word goes out from an angel. The wrath of God will be upon all that take the mark and worship the Antichrist. It is an unforgivable sin. There will be only two choices. These will bex3Ffollow the Antichrist and survive, or follow Christ and then be beheaded. The faith of some will fail under the pressure. How about you63 40THESE WILL LOSE THEIR LIFE, BUT GET THE VICTORY41 Following the image being set upon a wing of the temple, people being beheaded should begin, because they will not worship the image. However, those that are beheaded, actually get the victory over the Antichrist and over the image. These did not receive the number of the name of the Antichrist. These did keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. These get the victory by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and because they loved not their lives unto death. The instant they are killed, they will be in the presence of God. 40Power Over All the World41 Power is given to the Antichrist by his father, Satan, over all kindreds, and tongues and nations. All that dwell on the earth shall worship the Antichrist, whose names are not written in the Lamb8217s book of life. During these last 3189 years 40called the Great Tribulation 41, world conditions continue to worsen. The Antichrist shall be allowed to make war against the saints and the holy people, and will overcome them. The Gentiles throughout the world that choose to follow Christ will have to hide or flee. As said, survival will be difficult. There will be betrayals in families. Authorities can be expected to pretend they follow Christ in order to trap others that really do. Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles for the last 42 months. The Antichrist continues in power for 1260 days and prospers. The people of the world will be under his control, except those whose names are written in the book of life. He blasphemies the God of heaven over, and over but glorifies and honors Satan with gifts. There are no bounds regarding the hatred of Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet toward God and those that follow Christ. The last 1260 days of the Tribulation will be filled with many judgments from God against those that follow the Antichrist. Trees will begin to wilt. The fields will be drying up because of no rain. 40Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen41 40The Whore8212That is, the Roman Catholic Church is Burned With Fire41 During the first part of the Tribulation, 8220the Great Whore8221 40 the Roman Catholic Church41 will grow and prosper as never before. The kings of the earth will go a whoring with her. They will become intoxicated with her fornication 40or her hypnotic ceremonies and teachings41. But then the Antichrist will proclaim himself to be God and move into the newly rebuilt temple. The Vatican will be hated by the 10 kings and the Antichrist. They will burn her with fire. She competed for the souls of people as did the Antichrist. The Great Harlot will come to a fiery end. Her judgment will be from the Lord. The Antichrist will reign supreme and unhindered. The city of Rome will prosper and become a great financial and trading capital. But it is laiden with sin. During this general time, the city of Rome will also be destroyed by fire in one hour. The Scriptures list them as two events with each being destroyed for different reasons. 40Authorities Seek the Followers of Christ. Many Betrayals41 During the second part of the Tribulation . the authorities will be looking for people that follow Christ. Surveillance devices will be everywhere. Is this beginning to happen right now63 It will be a time of great fear. People betraying people will be common. AND YE SHALL BE BETRAYED BOTH BY PARENTS, AND BRETHREN, AND KINSFOLKS, AND FRIENDS AND SOME OF YOU SHALL THEY CAUSE TO BE PUT TO DEATH8211Lk 21:16. It is also written, THEN SHALL MANYHATE ONE ANOTHER8211Mt 24:10. AND BECAUSE INIQUITY 40or wickedness41 SHALL ABOUND 40or increase41, THE LOVE OF MANY 40or most41 SHALL WAX 40or grow41 COLD8211Mt 24:12. However, many Gentiles, through the mercy of God and His protection, will survive the Tribulation8212hiding and running for their lives . These will go into the Millennium to repopulate the earth. There may be 4 million or more. 40Falling Continues Throughout the Tribulation41 The falling away from the faith will continue throughout the Tribulation, as people are confronted with torture and death versus life. It is written, AND THEN SHALL MANY BE OFFENDED 40or trapped41 40or at that time, many will turn away from the faith418211Mt 24:10. Yet, during the Tribulation, many will also come to faith in Jesus Christ. 40The Two Witnesses Continue41 The two witnesses 40that is, Moses and Elijah41 continue to cause great problems for the Antichrist. No one can stop their miracles or plagues. No one can bring back the rain they stopped. No one can stop the testimony that they are giving. Anyone that tries to kill them are, in turn, killed by fire. Despite the enormous power the Antichrist and False Prophet have, they cannot stop the two witnesses until their time is up, which is 1260 days after they appear. They are given power by God to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. The two witnesses have the power to turn the waters to blood . This was one of the miracles Moses did thousands of years ago. They also have the power to strike the earth with whatever plague they desire . Moses did such miracles thousands of years ago. Elijah also had powers to smite the earth with a curse . Elijah also turned the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just and made things ready for the return of the Lord. Living conditions in Israel and the world will become worse and worse yet, two8211thirds of the Jews and much of the world will take the mark and worship the image. They will follow Satan and the Antichrist, even though it can clearly be seen the God of heaven working through Moses and Elijah is far stronger than the Antichrist. As bad as the violence will be in the first part of the Tribulation, the last part is far worse. Violence will reach the point of being as bad as it can get. 40The Plagues and Results of No Rain41 40Plagues. Terrible Things Torment the People41 40Locusts. First Woe41 As time passes during the last 3189 years, many more plagues will come upon people. Some type of LOCUSTS that cannot be numbered will sting men with a sting like a scorpion. It will be horrible. People will be in agony. They will be several inches long. They come out of the bottomless pit. This is the first of three great woes . Men will seek death and shall not find it. The locusts will not affect those that did not take the mark or worship the image. Their faces resemble humans. They have long hair like a woman, and their teeth are long and sharp. They have a hard shell like iron, and their tails are like a scorpion. They swarm over all the earth. They are able to go over water and land. They do not hurt the vegetation. For 5 months, they will torment the people of the earth, then it will be over. Two more horrible woes are yet to come. The world has already gone through a traumatic experience from the stings of the locusts for 5 months. Then, all of a sudden, on the face of the whole earth8212horrible, disgusting, grievous and painful sores begin to appear on all that take the mark and worship the image. It is as an ulcerated, ugly, and malignant sore. The pain will be intense. Men will blaspheme the God of heaven, because of their pains and their sores but they will not repent. Moses and Elijah are given power to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they wish. Moses with Aaron had brought this same plague in Egypt against Pharaoh. They had taken handfuls of ashes from a furnace and tossed it into the air. It became fine dust over all the land. It then became loathsome and malignant, ugly and painful sores8212festering boils that broke out on people and even animals. 40The Oceans, the Rivers, the Fountains of Water Will No Longer Support Life41 Moses and Elijah will turn the seas so they will become as the blood of a dead man. They will no longer sustain life. Every living thing in the sea will die. Then the rivers and fountains will be turned to blood throughout the world. Drinking water will be scarce and food more difficult to find. The blood of saints and prophets will be shed at the hands of many, and, in return, God will give them blood to drink. Moses had done this in Egypt also. He had stretched out his rod upon the waters of Egypt, their streams, rivers, ponds, and pools. As a result, the people digged around the river for water to drink, for they could not drink of the water of the river. 40The Sun and Heat41 Next there shall come HEAT . For a time, the sun will send forth intense heat. People are tormented. They are scorched or burned with fire. The people of the world will curse God and speak all manner of evil against the God of heaven, Who controls these plagues. There is much blindness upon the people because of sin. 40Darkness and Earthquakes41 As time progresses toward the end of the Tribulation, both the throne of the Antichrist and his kingdom are plunged into thick darkness . Israel was his kingdom, and the Temple Mount was his headquarters. The darkness is so intense that it can be felt . It is so thick that it is difficult to even move. The people cannot see each other. No light can penetrate it. The people still have their sores and are in agony. Do the people repent63 No. Moses had brought darkness in Egypt that had lasted for three days. Earthquakes continue to increase both in number and intensity. The spread of diseases will get worse . For some, there is no cure. This is one of the signs of the return of Christ. Sexual diseases keep increasing, as multiple sex partners keep increasing. Epidemics will arise in various places, which will be hard to control, as people travel all over the world. 40Wars and Rumors of Wars and Wild Animals41 Nation will be against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be wars in households, between governments, and between people. Many people will be hungry, but so will the wild animals. With the rains shut off, conditions will get worse. The animals begin attacking people. 40A Famine of Hearing the Word41 40The Seven Last Plagues41 During the first part of the Tribulation, the 144,000 will bring forth God8217s Word. Then they will be gone. During the second part of the Tribulation, there will be famine of hearing God8217s Word, except for Moses and Elijah. It is written, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the Word of the Lord, and shall not find it8211Amos 8:11. The second part of the Tribulation will be a time when no man can work the works of God, except Moses and Elijah8211ref Jn 9:4. As the Tribulation was draws to a close, God8217s wrath comes through seven plagues. 40THE ARMIES OF THE WORLD BEGIN ASSEMBLING FOR ARMAGEDDON41 40The Tribulation is Nearing Its End41 The unclean, spirits of devils . that is, the spirits of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet 40like frogs41 go forth to the kings of the earth to gather and assemble the armies of the world to the battle 40or war of the41 great day of God Almighty. This is the war of all wars. It was to be fought in the Valley of Megiddo, Jerusalem, and surrounding areas. This is called the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. The armies of the world did not know they were coming to fight against the return of Jesus. Rather, many were fighting against each other for a time. 40China and the World41 Before the RAPTURE . China began a great military buildup. With their new weapons of mass destruction and a massive number in their military, they become the dominant military force in the last part of the Tribulation. The Kings of the East . 200,000,000 strong, led by China, began their march toward Israel. The mighty men of war, all over the world, will be awakened. Their weapons will be prepared. They will say they are strong. They are coming to be slaughtered by Jesus Christ and His armies, but none will suspect this. China had boasted publicly, even before the Rapture, that they could put forth an army of 200,000,000. They will indeed put together such a military, which will include other kings of the east allied with them. These will head westward toward the Euphrates River, and then on to Israel. The army will be so large that it will stretch beyond the horizons. They will be like a line of ants that has no end and cannot be stopped. As they go forth, they will seem invincible. The Kings of the East arrive at the river Euphrates. Normally, this great river wound some 1700 miles southward to the Persian Gulf, and ranged up to about two8211thirds of a mile wide. When they arrive, they will find the great river will be mostly dried up. This is because Moses and Elijah had caused the rain to cease about 3189 years previously. At this time, as a result of the weapons China will havex3F ONE8211THIRD OF THE WORLD8217S POPULATION WILL BE KILLED . We call this WW4. The Tribulation will be nearly over. The Battle of Armageddon is ahead. The Kings of the East will continue to travel toward Israel. A devouring fire will go before them. What will be left, as they pass through various areas, will be a desolate wilderness. Their aircraft will leap over the mountains with a noise like the roaring of a forest fire. The nations will be in anguish at the sight of them. As they march, they will not break their ranks. 40The World and Israel8217s condition41 Right up to the time of Armageddon, people will be eating and drinking, getting married, and going about their lives not realizing the end of nearly all life on earth was only days away, and Jesus was returning. Israel8217s condition will be terrible. Their strong cities will be broken down. The trees will be withered. The fields will be wasted. The harvest will have perished. The seed will have rotted. The vines will be dried up. The animals will groan for water and pasture. Fires will burn up much of the wilderness. 40Estimated Population and Numbers41 The world population, at the time of the Rapture, may be 40plus or minus41 seven and one8211half billion 407,500,000,00041. When the Rapture comes, a very small number of people will be taken by the Lord. It will be much lower than most think. This is because many profess they know Christ, but in their fruits and works they deny Him8211Titus 1:16. Then, as a result of the Russian8211US war, twenty five percent of the world8217s population will die . Also an unknown number will be killed for their faith during the first part of the Tribulation. This may leave under 5,625,000,000 people on the earth, including new births. Also millions will be beheaded . who refused to worship the image of the Antichrist, during the second part of the Tribulation. Others will continue to die from famines, various wars around the world, diseases . and from other things. Then one8211third of what is left of the world8217s population will die, during the time the Kings of the East come to Israel. That should leave a world population of under 3,751,875,000 at the time of Armageddon. Despite all that will happen, the world will not repent. 40THE TWO WITNESSES OF GOD ARE KILLED41 It will be about 3189 days before the end of the Tribulation. Moses and Elijah will be witnessing and prophesying for 1260 days. Most of the world will reject their message. No one can kill them until their 1260 days are finished. The Antichrist will then be able to kill them, as their time is up. Their dead bodies will be left in the street of Jerusalem where all can see . which is the SAME PLACE WHERE JESUS CHRIST HAD BEEN CRUCIFIED . It is as if the world wants to make sure no one will steal their bodies, and afterward say, they rose from the dead. So people all over the world will see their dead bodies. 40THE TWO WITNESSES COME BACK TO LIFE. THE WORLD WILL BE IN SHOCK41 For 3189 days, the dead bodies of the two prophets will remain in the street8212then, all of a sudden, the seemingly impossible will happen . Precisely 84 hours after Moses and Elijah are killed, the spirit of life from God enters into them, just as prophesied. The two witnesses stand upon their feet. Great terror comes upon those that see this. Then they shall hear a GREAT VOICE from heaven saying to them, 8220Come up here.8221 Then the two witnesses will go up in a cloud, while their enemies all over the world will watch. The laughing and giving of gifts suddenly stop. A deafening silence may come, as people are terrified. Some people8217s hearts will fail, as they consider what lies ahead. Even though the world had been told that Jesus will return, few probably believed it until now. Some may began to scream, 8220No, no, it isn8217t possible8221 As soon as the two witnesses depart, there will be the FIRST OF 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES . Each will be greater than the one before it. The first will be so great that a tenth of the city of Jerusalem will lie in ruin, and seven thousand people will be killed . This adds to people8217s fears. The temple the Antichrist had occupied may collapse at this time. The world continues to blaspheme the God of heaven. 8220The Tribulation Ends8221 40THE FIRST OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES ENDS THE TRIBULATION41 At the time of this great earthquake . the Tribulation ends. The 1260 days, since the Abomination of Desolation happened, will expire. From the time the two witnesses ascend up, to the time of Armageddon, will be a very few days yet, about 92 major events should take place. The soldiers of the world8217s armies may number between 250 to 300 million. They should stretch from the Carmel Mountains and Megiddo eastward to the nearby Jordan Valley, and then southward all the way to Bozrah, which is SE of the Dead Sea. The total distance is about 161 miles The armies will also stretch up to the Kidron Valley 40also called the Valley of Jehoshaphat, or Valley of Decision41 which is around Jerusalem. The world8217s most advanced weapons will be there. The land will be full of gold and silver from the armies of the world. The power of the holy people had been broken. Armageddon is on the doorstep, and Jesus is about to return. The seventieth week of Daniel 9:27 is ended. Jerusalem8217s spiritual condition is reflected by the words SODOM AND EGYPT. There will be no boundries or limitations to the sins of the people. Every imagination of the thoughts of people8217s hearts will be only evil continually as violence completely fills the entire planet. Hatred without bounds will be everywhere. As it has been stated8212if Jesus had not returned at the exact time He does, there would be no one left alive. 40Few Understand How Very Small Israel Really Is41 The shape of Israel is approximately 263 miles long 40or 424 km41 and not very wide. It is slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey in the USA. Its narrowest point is about 12 miles. At 60 miles per hour, a person could drive across it in a straight line in about 12 minutes. The length could be driven in about 4189 hours. THE SECOND OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES will happen in the short period between the end of the Tribulation and the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon. The clouds begin to grow thick. The sun begins to disappear. The moon becomes a reddish color like blood, and then disappears as the clouds increase. Darkness begins to envelope the land. Jerusalem is the center of the attack. All the nations are gathered against it. As the ruthless soldiers enter Jerusalem, the light from the moon and the stars will be disappearing . The soldiers show no mercy. They take whatever they want. Half of the city goes into exile, but the rest of the people are not taken out. The invaders will run around the city, and back and forth in the city. They will be numerous like ants. They enter the houses like thieves. The women are raped. The invaders of Israel will cast lots for and sell the children of Israel. A boy will be given for a harlot. A girl will be sold for wine, so they can drink. THE THIRD OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES occurs. Armageddon will now be ready to explode. The mountains begin to move. Volcanoes begin to pour out smoke and ash. There will be lightnings, voices, thunderings, and great hail. It could simply be said Jesus comes back to the earth. The battle lasts 24 hours, few people are left alive, and then it is over. It is written: The heavens will roll together as a scroll. The great Day of the Lord is near. Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh . cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Alas for the day for the Day of the Lord is at hand . Satan will put thoughts into people8217s minds, and, as a result, man, in his pride, will believe he can fight against God, and win. There was silence in heaven . It will be ABOUT THE SPACE OF 40or what seemed like41 HALF AN HOUR. The Battle of Armageddon, at this time, is at hand. 40Jesus8212The First Time41 When Jesus came the first time, He came as a lamb to be slaughtered. He was tortured. His beard was ripped off His face. He was marred worse than any man. He was almost unrecognizable. He suffered an agonizing death. He did this to pay the price for the sin of every person that would repent and trust in Him as their only hope of salvation. When Jesus departed about 2000 years ago, two men stood by and said: YE MEN OF GALILEE, WHY STAND YE GAZING UP INTO HEAVEN63 THIS SAME JESUS . WHICH IS TAKEN UP FROM YOU INTO HEAVEN, SHALL SO COME IN LIKE MANNER AS YE HAVE SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN . 40Jesus8212The Second Time41 Approximately 2000 years after He was crucified and rose from the deadJesus will return. However, this time, He will return as the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He will return in power and great glory to a world that will be so full of sin, rebellion, violence, and hatred that words cannot adequately convey it. Since that time, those that follow Christ have watched. Titus 2:138211Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The world will reject the God of heaven for the Antichrist. Technology and false knowledge had also replaced the God of heaven. Even communion reveals the coming of the Lord. It is written in 1 Cor 11:268211FOR AS OFTEN AS YE EAT THIS BREAD, AND DRINK THIS CUP, YE DO SHOW THE LORD8217S DEATH 40 TILL HE COME 41. The temple of God will open. Heaven opened. His eyes will be like a flame of fire. On His head will be many crowns. He will be dressed with a robe dipped in blood. On His robe and on His thigh, there will be the name written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. The armies that were in heaven will follow Him also on WHITE HORSES. Those that follow Jesus will be clothed in fine linen, clean and white . 8220The Battle of Armageddon8221 Regarding Armageddon, there should be six parts. The first is when Satan and his angels confront Jesus returning in the air. The second is when the Antichrist and False Prophet are eliminated. The third part is when Jesus arrives on the earth. His feet stand upon the Mt. of Olives. The fourth part is Jesus on Mt. Zion. He defends Jerusalem. The fifth is Megiddo. The sixth and last part is the whole world. There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. 40THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 18212IN THE AIR41 40Satan Overcome41 Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell, to the depths of the pit. He will have a seal put upon him . so he cannot deceive the nations 40or people41 any longer . From the fall of Adam and Eve until this point, there has never been a time when the human race was free from being bombarded with evil, deceptive, lustful, enticing thoughts that were put in their mind by the devil but they never understood this. Neither do the churches teach it. A man might be angry with his children8212then, all of a sudden, the anger is gone, as Satan8217s power to deceive is eliminated. When Satan is in hell, those already there shall NARROWLY LOOK UPON him, AND say: IS THIS THE MAN THAT MADE THE EARTH TO TREMBLE, THAT DID SHAKE KINGDOMS THAT MADE THE WORLD AS A WILDERNESS, AND DESTROYED THE CITIES THEREOF THAT OPENED NOT THE HOUSE OF HIS PRISONERS63 As a result of Satan having that seal put upon him, a most incredible thing will happen. Suddenly, throughout the world, the multitude of wrong, evil, accusing, hateful, self8211reliant and self8211centered thoughts, everyone has had from their childhood, will be gone. One moment the armies of the world are confident. Then, all of a sudden, they see things as they really are. Terror will fill their hearts. The tamborines will stop. The harps will go silent. Minutes before, the armies were prepared to do battle. Now, they are terrified. They will have no leader to give them direction in their thoughts. And the great men, and the rich men, and the heads of armies, and the mighty men, plus both the free and slaves will HIDE THEMSELVES in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains in the area of Megiddo. They will want the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of Jesus Christ, as they will now know JESUS will soon appear. They will say, 8220Who is able to stand638221 40BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 241 40The Antichrist and False Prophet Are Destroyed41 As Christ returns, the Antichrist will stand up against Jesus, but will be broken by spiritual power. Jesus will consume him with the breath of His mouth. The Antichrist will be destroyed with the brightness 40or splendor, or glory41 of the coming of the King of kings. The Antichrist and False Prophet will be cast alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur . They will go into perdition. Once Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet are eliminated, the armies of the world in Israel will be in complete disarray. They will be confused. They will be terrified. Fear will grip the earth. The power of Satan to blind people8217s minds will cease. As already said, this has never happened since the fall of Adam and Eve. 40BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 341 The Total Battle Lasts 24 Hours 40The Mount of Olives First, Then Mt. Zion41 The sun is darkened, the moon no longer will give her light. Then, the sign of the Son of man will appear all over the earth. Amazingly, somehow the people of the world will see THE SON OF MAN SITTING ON THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, AND 40then41 COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN. This will happen on the tenth day of the seventh month, according to the Jewish calendar . This is usually in the month of September. It will be the fulfillment of the Day of Atonement. At the beginning of the day 40which is the evening41 Jesus should return. The King of kings and Lord of lords will return with fire and clouds, in power and great glory. Thousands upon thousands of His saints will be with Him. The Day of the Lord will be a day of darkness and not light. It will be a day of gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness . Jesus will make darkness His canopy. The saints that will be with Him will be called, and chosen, and faithful. He will come with His chariots like a whirlwind . As Jesus returns, lightnings will encircle and lighten the entire world . Many all over the world will instantly be killed because of the lightnings. The people of the earth will see and be terrified . Every eye will see Him. Even those that had pierced Him, about 2000 years earlier, will see Him return. He will come in flaming vengeance against those that know not God, and against those that do not obey the Gospel. Jesus has total power over all the forces of nature, including the wind, storms, lightnings, hailstones, and tidal waves. There will be much crying in Jerusalem and Megiddo. He will silence the speech of the wicked. The cursing of the name of the Lord ceases, for they that did such things will be perishing. As already said: If Jesus had not returned at the exact time He does, no life would be left on planet earth. God did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah because of sin. God will not spare the earth, during Armageddon, because of their sin. And God will not spare you, because of your sins, if you do not repent. Zech 14:4821178211AND HIS FEET SHALL STAND IN THAT DAY UPON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, WHICH IS BEFORE JERUSALEM ON THE EAST, AND THE MOUNT OF OLIVES SHALL CLEAVE IN THE MIDST THEREOF TOWARD THE EAST AND TOWARD THE WEST, AND THERE SHALL BE A VERY GREAT VALLEY AND HALF OF THE MOUNTAIN SHALL REMOVE TOWARD THE NORTH, AND HALF OF IT TOWARD THE SOUTH8230BUT IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT AT EVENING TIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT. 40BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 441 40Mt. Zion41 Then Jesus will come down to Mt. Zion, which is just southwest of the Old City in Jerusalem. The people will look upon Jesus, Whom they had pierced. They will cry bitterly, in the same way one cries over their firstborn son. In that day, the weeping in Jerusalem will be great. The Lord saved the dwellings of Judah first . so that the honor of the house of David and of Jerusalem8217s inhabitants would not be greater than that of Judah. As birds flying, the Lord defended Jerusalem, Passing over, He preserves it. All that choose to fight against Jerusalem are cut to pieces. Their flesh will rot away, while they stand on their feet. Their eyes will rot 40or disintegrate41 in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouth. In the Day of the Lord, the Lords people will be strong. Jerusalem will remain intact. Judah also will fight at Jerusalem. Then the battle at Judah and Jerusalem will be over. The enemies of the Lord will be destroyed. 40BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 541 40Meggiddo and Israel41 Jesus saves Israel next. The Day of the Lord will be very dreadful. Who can endure it63 The greatest weapons of mass destruction ever created by man will be in the Valley of Megiddo. As the morning comes . there will be a great people, both upon the mountains of Israel and the area stretching from the hill of Megiddo all the way to Bozrah, about 161 miles. The kings of the earth are gathered. The grapes 40or people41 of the earth will be cast into the 8220great8221 winepress of the wrath and fury of God. It is written: Rev 16:168211218211AND HE GATHERED THEM TOGETHER INTO A PLACE CALLED IN THE HEBREW TONGUE ARMAGEDDON 40or Har Megiddo41. This was also referred to as the great WINEPRESS. Note: MOUNT MEGIDDO is a tel, which is a hill with 26 layers of ruins from ancient cities. Its height varies. It is app. 115 feet high and covers app. 15 acres. It sits on the edge of a vast plain, known as Esdraelon, or the Jezreel Valley. This fertile farmland of northern Israel extends to the Jordan Valley and then curves southward. The top of the hill is somewhat flat with excavations from various time periods, dating back thousands of years. It provides an excellent view of the valley for a long distance. The large valley will be filled with the armies of the world. Hundreds of millions of soldiers will be there and cover an area of about 161 miles long, extending southward along the Jordan Valley to Bozrah. What happens next is almost indescribable. The soldiers will be as fully ripened grapes ready to be crushed. Then they will be crushed. Their blood will come out. There will be a sea of blood 40as the Bible describes41 to the reins of the horses, as far as the eye can see, even about 161 miles. IN THAT DAY A MAN SHALL CAST HIS IDOLS OF SILVER, AND HIS IDOLS OF GOLD, WHICH THEY MADE EACH ONE FOR HIMSELF TO WORSHIP, TO THE MOLES AND TO THE BATS. Isa 2:21 NIV8211THEY WILL FLEE TO CAVERNS IN THE ROCKS AND TO THE OVERHANGING CRAGS FROM DREAD OF THE LORD. Jesus had said: I HAVE TRODDEN THE WINEPRESS ALONE AND OF THE PEOPLE THERE WAS NONE WITH ME: FOR I WILL TREAD THEM IN MINE ANGER, AND TRAMPLE THEM IN MY FURY AND THEIR BLOOD SHALL BE SPRINKLED UPON MY GARMENTS. Rev 14:208211AND THE WINEPRESS WAS 40trampled41 40outside41 THE CITY 40which is, Jerusalem41, AND BLOOD 40flowed41 OUT OF THE WINEPRESS . 40rising41 EVEN UNTO 40or as high as41 THE HORSE BRIDLES . BY THE SPACE OF A THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED FURLONGS 40or approximately 161 miles or longer41. It is written: Rev 15:48211WHO SHALL NOT FEAR THEE, O LORD63 The noise of the lightnings, and thunderings, and of the earth quaking will be so loud, that the screams of the millions dying may not be heard. Then, the huge hailstones also begin to fall. Each should weigh 70 to 100 pounds. Nothing will be able to deliver the multitude of the unrighteous in the Day of the Lord. Sin will be removed from the land in one day. Everything will be brought low. Fire will go before Jesus. It will burn up His enemies on every side. People will be screaming for fear, hoping they might some how be hid from Christ, and from His anger and fury. The mountains will melt like wax before the Lord . 40THE FOURTH AND LAST OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES41 Then the fourth AND LAST of the great earthquakes occurs . This will be the greatest since mankind has existed. It will come to pass during the Battle of Armageddon. The great city of Jerusalem will be divided into three parts. It will be world wide. The earth shall shake and be transformed. 40This should be covered in more detail under the heading of Armageddon worldwide.41 Finally, the battle for Israel will be over. Hundreds of millions will be dead. Few will be left alive, except those God had chosen to repopulate the earth during the Millennium. Two8211thirds of the Jewish people will be cut off and die. One8211third will be protected by God and go into the Millennium. So it is that all Israel shall be saved. The birds will be summoned to the supper of the great God. They will eat the flesh of kings, and generals, and of captains. They will eat the flesh of all that are dead. 40THE GREAT BATTLE OF THE LORD IS WORLDWIDE, Part 641 40The Battle of Armageddon and the Entire Planet41 The last part of the battle includes the entire earth. But in that day, the Lord will hold up the right hand of those that are His, that is, those that had not taken the mark and worshipped the image. He will help and protect them. The oceans will be the buriel ground for those that are in ships and submarines. When Jesus speaks, things come to pass. The entire planet will be like a winepress, and the people like grapes that are ripe for the harvest. Throughout the earth, the noise will be loud and terrifying. 42 With fire, the earth and people will be burned . The Lord with flaming fire will take vengeance on those that do not obey the Gospel. He comes with flames of fire. He will utter His Word. He speaks, and fire goes forth before Him. He will rain fire and brimstone on the wicked. He will judge the earth. His enemies are burned. His tongue will be as a devouring fire. His fury will be poured out like fire. The foundations of the mountains will be on fire. The mountains will quake, and the hills melt and the rocks will be thrown down. All the earth will be devoured with the fire of His jealousy. People are consumed, but they do not take it to heart. The earth is being cleansed. Who can endure the fierceness of His anger63 Whirlwinds will also arise from the coasts. There will be hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, cyclones, and every form of windstorm known. They will explode upon the scene and upon the heads of the wicked. There will be huge hailstones, lightnings and thunders. Great clouds and darkness will be everywhere. Great cracks in the earth will open up and swallow everything in their path. Huge waves from the oceans will drive inland for long distances, obliterating everything in their path. The destruction will be catastrophic Jesus will thrust in His sickle. The earth is reaped or harvested. From one end of the earth to the other, the people are cut down. The King of kings and Lord of lords will make an end of all places where the Hebrews had been taken. Then, it happens. THE FOURTH AND LAST OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES . This will be the greatest since mankind has existed. It will come to pass during the Battle of Armageddon. The entire earth will shake. All mountains will be made low. They will be swallowed up. The great mountain ranges will cease to exist. The valleys will rise, and few people will be left alive. Then the earth will move out of her place and turn upside down. There are no adequate words to describe it. Who is it that says they will not fear the Lord63 People will try to hide, but there is no where to hide, or no place of safety. Hiding places will become coffins. The cities of the world will disappear. In that day . the earth will be moved exceedingly . and the light of the moon will be much brighter. The light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days. THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON IS OVER 42 God8217s enemies submit . In that day, only Jesus Christ is exalted. The people that survive will move out of their holes like worms. They will greatly fear. The birds will be called to gather, from around the world, to eat the flesh of the dead bodies . However, many of the dead will be swallowed up by the earthquake. The kingdom of the Antichrist will not be found. The earth will be at rest. The earth will be at peace. The earth will be cleansed. Fire purifies. The pride of man will be gone. It will cease. Upon every high hill, there will be rivers and streams of water. There will be no trace of all the previous kingdoms. 40The Eastern Gate41 The eastern side of the gate had been sealed. The western side had not. Inside of the gate is a large room, which had been used at times by the Arabs as a classroom. When Jesus returns, He will enter the Temple Mount through the East Gate. The earth will shine with His glory. Oh, that man could understand these things before they happen, and before they perish but they will not fear the Lord. 40THE JUDGMENT OF THE NATIONS8211ref Mt 25:3182114641 The ELECT will be gathered. Those left alive will be gathered and judged. Those that followed Christ will be on the right, and those that took the mark and worshipped the Antichrist will be on the left at the Judgment of the Nations. Those on the left will be cast into the lake of fire. THIS GENERATION 40The Generation of the Rebirth of Israel41 PASSED AWAY It is written, Lk 21:328211VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS AWAY, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED. When Israel was reborn on May 14th, 1948, the generation of the fig tree began. This generation that began with Israel8217s rebirth will not pass away, until Armageddon is over, and the elect are gathered. The Scriptures say in Ps 90:108211THE DAYS OF OUR YEARS ARE THREESCORE YEARS AND TEN 40or 70 years41 AND IF BY REASON OF STRENGTH THEY BE FOURSCORE YEARS 40or 8041, YET IS THEIR STRENGTH LABOUR AND SORROW FOR IT IS SOON CUT OFF, AND WE FLY AWAY. Here is even more proof that cannot be denied. It is written: When thou art in Tribulation . and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days 8211ref Deut 4:30. Israel8217s rebirth was the beginning of the latter days8212May 14, 1948. The period from this event to Jesus8217 return should not exceed a generation 4070 to 80 years41. The verse just stated the Tribulation is also in the latter days. Thus, we believe, the Tribulation should be complete before 80 years expires. It will be soon. 2 Cor 5:118211KNOWING THEREFORE THE TERROR OF THE LORD, WE PERSUADE MEN. 40THE 1000 YEAR REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST41 The seventh and last feast is the Feast of Tabernacles . This begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month for seven days. This represents the beginning of the coming state of rest called the Millennium . Jesus Christ begins His reign on earth for one thousand years, as the King of kings and Lord of lords. The tabernacle of Jesus will be among men. 40Again, this event will be fulfilled exactly on the correct day.41 The twelve apostles will reign over the twelve tribes of Israel. The world will be at peace. The world will love the Jews. All that return with Jesus will also reign and rule. Some will be over tens, some over hundreds, some over thousands, some over cities. ARE YOU READY TO MEET JESUS63 We have proven the Bible is God8217s Word. Now you are faced with a decision. You may say, 8220My church doesn8217t believe this.8221 You must decide. Will you believe God8217s Word 40the Bible41, or what your church teaches, or what other people may say63 WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO TO BE SAVED63 FOUR THINGS. 1. Admit that you are a sinner. The Bible tells us, ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. 2. Be willing to change, forsake all sin, humble yourself and live for Jesus REPENT . God will help you. It is written, EXCEPT YE REPENT, YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH. Jesus tells us, HE THAT IS NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME. 3. Believe in your heart Jesus Christ is God8217s only begotten Son, Who came to this earth in the flesh, in human form. Believe He died for your sins. It is written, THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED. 4. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for God8217s mercy. By faith . receive Jesus Christ as your only hope of salvation. I am going to ask you to make that decision for Jesus right now. Please kneel right where you are. God may be calling you. Don8217t resist. The Bible tells us, THERE IS A WAY WHICH SEEMETH RIGHT UNTO A MAN, BUT THE END THEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF DEATH. It8217s not a matter of if you think you know Jesus, but does Jesus know you 63 Right now, humble yourself, kneel and pray this prayer out loud and mean it. DEAR JESUS, I AM A SINNER. I BELIEVE YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD AND DIED FOR MY SINS ON THE CROSS. FORGIVE ALL OF MY SINS. JESUS, I REPENT. HAVE MERCY ON ME, A SINNER AND COME INTO MY LIFE. HELP ME TO FOLLOW AND OBEY YOUR WORD 40THE BIBLE41. I ASK IT IN THE NAME OF MY LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. AMEN. IF YOU JUST SAID THAT PRAYER AND MEANT IT WITH ALL YOUR HEART If you repented and asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, please EMAIL US immediately. We would like to pray for you. If you send us your postal mailing address, we would like to send you some free literature. If you do not receive a reply from us within 2 weeksemail us again. There have been some problems with some emails getting through. Now, you need to begin reading your Bible every day faithfully82125 or more chapters. Start with the Gospel of John. Read it through three times. Next go to Matthew, and read the New Testament three times . Then read the entire Bible in order, from Genesis to the Revelation. Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, deceiving yourselfref Ja 1:22. Find a good, Bibleteaching church that believes God8217s Word and baptizes by full immersion. They should also love Israel and the Jewish people. Don8217t be trapped by reading things 8220about8221 the Bible. Read 8220 the Bible ,8221 which is God8217s Word. Yes, there will be many things you will not understand at first. But if you are faithful in reading God8217s Word that will change. Don8217t get distracted with this or that Bible study in the beginning. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby82111 Pe 2:2. BE BAPTIZED BY FULL IMMERSION IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOSTCol 2:12 Mt 28:19 Ro chapter 6. Tell others that Jesus is your only hope of salvation. Never be ashamed of Jesus in any way, even when it comes to praying over your meals. Sprinkling and infant baptism means nothing. Any baptism done prior to repenting and believing in Jesus Christ is NO BAPTISM AT ALLref Acts 2:38 Ro 6:110 Col 2:12 Mt 28:19. A big mistake many make is they do not immerse themselves in God8217s Word. They say they want to follow Jesus, but they do not read and study His Word. To follow Jesus is to read, follow, and obey the words of Jesus . Many chapters should be read every day faithfully. A person that does not read God8217s Word faithfully, is usually a person that had not repented. To love Jesus is to love and obey His Word. If you decided to put off surrendering to Jesus, consider this. There was a certain man who said to his preacher, 8220Don8217t worry about me, I will come to Jesus in the 11th hour.8221 Time after time, he would come to his preacher and repeat these words. Then one day, he did it again. 8220Don8217t worry about me. In the 11th hour, I will surrender to Jesus.8221 Then the man left the preacher8217s office. Shortly after, the preacher heard a terrible crash. He ran outside and found the man lying dead in the street after being hit by a car. A person said to the preacher, 8220 He didnt know this day was his 11th hour .8221 If you have read this far, chances are good God is calling you. Beware of thoughts in your head from the devil, saying, 8220You cannot be saved, because of8230this or that,8221 or 8220You8217re just no good.8221 The blood of Christ is greater than all your sins. ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS82112 Tim 3:16. Heb 10:318211IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD. 8220WILL I GO TO HEAVEN638221 Many are positive they will go to heaven when they die. Many are positive they will be raptured when that occurs. However, the Bible states clearly 40of that number that believe they are saved41 only a few, a very few really are saved by the grace of God. We are currently living in the Laodicean church age8211Rev 3:14821121. This is the church age that will witness the Rapture, but all lukewarm Christians will be left behind. Their spiritual condition is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. In nearly every case, this describes your church and probably you. At best, you are probably lukewarm. Want proof63 Mt 7:21 Many Think They Are Saved, But Are Not Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord 40or thinks they are saved41, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven 8211Mt 7:21. The will of God is that a person repents . and then follows repentance with water baptism by full immersion. As it is written, REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED EVERYONE8211Acts 2:38. The will of God is that a person diligently studies the Bible 8211Mt 11:29, and then afterward obeys it . It is written: He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him8211Heb 5:9. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments 82111 Jn 2:3. The will of God is that you serve God . As it is written, Mal 3:188211Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Lk 4:88211Jesus8230said8230Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve . These accepted Jesus as their Savior, but perished, as they did not do the will of God . But few will do this. Mt 7:22,238211Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name63 and in thy name have cast out devils63 and in thy name done many wonderful works63 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. These accepted Jesus as their Savior. These also served God however, they did not repent as is required. They perished. Mt 25:1821113 Many Think They Are Saved, But Are Not Mt 25:18211138211reveals ten Christians. Five were wise. Five were foolish. They were all waiting for the Rapture. Then at midnight 40Israeli time41, a cry was made BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH. GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM. When Jesus returned to rapture the born again Christians, the five that had their light still burning were taken. However the other five had let their light for Christ go out. They were not taken. These foolish Christians had stopped following Christ. They sought Jesus to open for them, but Jesus told them, I KNOW YOU NOT. God8217s warning to all that belong to Him is this. Obey God, follow Him, and watch for His soon return. Following Jesus and obeying His Word is required. Lk 6:46821149 Many Think They Are Saved, But Are Not Jesus asked the question: And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say63 Why do people think they are saved, when they will not study and obey the Gospel. Lk 6:46821149 Study and Obey Gods Word. The Only Foundation That Will Stand Lk 6:47,488211Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them,8230He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. Lk 6:498211But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great. A person that does not build upon God8217s Word, when the difficulties arise, they will crumble. Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved63 And he said unto them, Strive 40or work hard41 to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Many will perish. Note, many will perish. When once the master of the house 40which is Jesus41 is risen up, and hath shut to the door 40meaning when the Rapture has occurred and it is over41, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are. Note those left behind call Jesus their Lord. They were positive they were saved, yet were left behind. Then they begin to make excuses. Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. These had called on Jesus to be their Savior, but they had not repented. They had not given up all their sins. They had not followed Jesus as is required. They had not devoured God8217s Word and obeyed it. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. Will you go to heaven63 You must repent, and not go back. You are commanded to be baptized by full immersion afterward. You are to repent and be baptized EVERYONE. Then you need to begin to devour God8217s Word, as if it is more necessary than your necessary food. As you do this, your faith should grow and by faith, a person overcomes this present world. Then you are to obey Gods Word. You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. 1 Jn 2:158211178211Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. List of all 365 prophecies8211CLICK HERE Valley of Megiddo where Armageddon will take place.
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